You Are Not Human, Here's Why

in #life7 years ago

Have you ever had an out of body experience. I mean where your awareness leaves this human body, floats above it and you gain a whole new understanding of what you really are. Some call it astral projection, a fancy way of saying people meditate until they’re able to leave their body and live on an entirely different plane of existence. This may sound absurd but it can teach you a lot about yourself and how to overcome some of the problems like depression, fatigue, laziness, anxiety, addiction and jealousy that nearly every human faces. No you don’t need to experience astral projection to realize that you are not the human body in which you reside. Through meditation and common sense this way of looking at your conscious experience can radically transform your life.

You Are Not Your Thoughts
Notice you are breathing, that’s right you most likely forgot your body was automatically doing that for you until now, yet you also have control over your breath at any moment. Like you can tag yourself in, take a deep breath and then let your body take over again. Same goes for your thoughts, they are constantly running through your mind at dizzying speeds. It’s said that we have 60 thousand separate thoughts every single day. The issue here is that they are rarely unique thoughts, we usually think the same old stuff day in and day out, which I feel the need to mention that you reading this is disrupting that pattern. Learning is one of the greatest things you can do to think differently and therefore slowly change your life overall. But that’s besides the point, you are do with thoughts as you do with your breathing. Meaning you can take over your thoughts anytime you want, and you can let your brain go on auto-pilot at any moment you’d like.

You remain a still observer of all this. You are not your thoughts because they keep going even if you are no there to control them. Ever have really messed up thoughts, morbid thoughts? Have you ever had a really weird dream that left you questioning your sanity. Deep down you’re simply conscious of all of these thoughts, and when you want to consciously take control of them, you’re aloud too. So you are not the thoughts, you are the consciousness. Why is this helpful? Well first of all you no longer have to constantly think thoughts that lead to fear, worry, depression and anger. It will take time, and like a muscle you need to train your brain so to speak, but you will eventually be able to control thoughts of lack to thoughts of gratitude for example and the way you feel will now be under your control. Not up to circumstance.

The real you does not get upset, anxious, stressed, worried or sad. It is simply awareness, bliss, peace, it only knows love. Through meditation you learn to clear your mind and allow yourself to live from this place I call awareness. At this point you lose sight of your petty human thoughts and you see the bigger picture. It’s a feeling and realization that is difficult to explain with words, so I suggest you adopt a daily meditation practice to yourself started on the path to controlling your thoughts. With control over your thinking, you can motivate yourself, you can gain more confidence and happiness, you essentially have total control on the inside world. So no matter what happens on the outside world, you feel unstoppable. This isn’t to say there’s not a balance, you can just bliss out while the outside world is falling apart. Thankfully that balance will come naturally with trial and error.

You Are Not Your Desires
Petty human desires as I like to call them. Why insult them by calling them petty? It instantly creates two points of view, me and my desires. The true self and the self that desires something. By desires I mean, food, sex, fun, sleep, attention, wealth, power, the list could go on. Now obviously we need food to live, (remember balance) but we certainly don’t need to stuff 9 sushi rolls and a couple bowls of pad thai to survive. That right there is the ancient human brain trying to binge in preparation for a famine. Some get addicted to sex or porn because the old human brain gives you some good feelings when you engage in any activity that leads to reproduction. We sleep our lives away, we spend our lives accumulating as much wealth and status as possible, and still we‘re’ left unsatisfied.

There are two perspectives, the human who desiring and the awareness that is above all. Through long meditations I become a ball of bliss and joy, I come out of these meditations excited to follow my purpose. I forget about the desire for food, sleep, relationships and so on. I am back to who I really am, and I’m living from a place where I am in total control of my thoughts and actions. I can’t stress how amazing of a feeling it is when you develop a deep knowing of the fact that you are the human body you reside in, you are so much more. Some say you’re a spirit, a soul, consciousness or awareness. All I can say is you have so much more control in your life than the world leads you to believe. The moment you’re aware of this fact, and I mean truly awake to the fact you are in control, your life will never be the same.

Cameron Dube, HUMBOWL

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I have come to a very similar conclusion a few years ago. We are not our bodies; In fact I think we might even be at war with our bodies. From the perspective of the body we are like a parasite. Our bodies are formed from evolution and we see how they reproduce. But once we move in and control it, we dont really have the same interest as our physical bodies. We are free.

That of course is a disaster for the bodies, which I think is the reason the body developed a whole array of defence mechanisms. These include desires, pain, emotions etc. These are all mechanisms trying to steer us in a direction that is beneficial for the reproduction of our bodies.

Fact you said

I definitely agree with that. There is a balance that we all need to learn. Between the physical and the spiritual parts of us.