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RE: How To Frighten a Whale Away and Be a Broke-Ass Blogger Forever

in #life7 years ago (edited)

ah, but my job involves frustrating people (well, my job is frustrating people, so I suppose "involves" is a bit of an understatement), so of course I must make your job as difficult as possible ;)
Thanks for another amusing post. I'll be sure to use red in my next post because of this (and then I can blame the lack of attention from whales on you :D)
And besides, by your definition Google is run by whales - THEY WOUDN'T TELL ME ANYTHING!
(I feel that this is an appropriate moment to say "Illuminti Confirmed" )


My amusing post says you're welcome. And yeah, just add red and blame me. It's much easier that way instead of blaming yourself and feeling inferior.