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RE: Why Bringing Back The Gold Standard Is Not The Solution To Current Day Economic Problems

in #life8 years ago

Fiat money will never die
Brilliant, just brilliant. Does it feel real good stroking that desperate ego of yours when putting out fluff pieces like this garbage? Last I checked, fiat has an average lifespan of about 40 years, whereas gold and silver have worked as SOUND MONEY for thousands of years. By the way, we ditched sound money in the early 70s, so guess who's overdue for a bit of dying soon?

What we really need is to hold our government more accountable for the bad monetary and fiscal policies it employs, but honestly im not sure how we do that.

I'm pretty sure stating the obvious won't have a HUGE impact. I dunno, keep trying it and hope that it magically gets better I guess? I mean that's basically the entirety of your analysis right? Seriously, to anyone out there with a reading comprehension level of at least "minimally adequate" please point out anything in the post that could even be spun to qualify as a "possible attempt at suggesting a direction that could technically lead to an action resembling a solution", and I will personally deliver to you a genetically-engineered unicorn that pisses oil and shits gold. Or whatever. Hope ya'll get some ass tonight and sleep tight! 'Murica...HELL YEA! Ungh * violent pelvic thrusting ensues * HELL YEA....mmm...yea...