The man who takes no risk has not really lived, life is too risky not to take risk.
Every risk is always worth it, the difference is how we percieve it. Yes, we are truly blessed to be in a generation where even typing these words are risk.
I fear the unknown, but i would be a fool to let such fear deprive me of the step forward in my life.
Today i met a young lady, who studied political science but is practicing land scaping, and when i asked her why? She said "i love nature" i was perplexed on my finding she probably know so little but she took tgat risk of engaging on what she loves. Here is me, i know virtually all, infact i studied Geography and have practiced it, but so unwilling to tzke that risk of pushing a firm forward. I was glad cox she awakened the risk taking in me.
I have become too complesant, some of us are. We need to shun our comfort zone.
Like you felt, we need to start suspecting ourselves and activities when we start feeling too comfortable.
Like Brian Tracy would say in hos book "change your thinking, change your life" we need to be ready to learn, unlearn and relearn.
To be risk takers in life we must stay techable. We must always work hard to listen to the right message no matter the source.
I totally agree with you, to win, we must risk, lets keep rixking and keep wining.
Thanks for tgis motivation @ejamai, and the last one @abuja-steem meet up. I somuch appreciate.
Yours truly loved