Have Vision or Just Perish?

in #life5 years ago



Where there is no vision, people will perish. Proverbs 29:18

Every day is a chance for us to take a hold of, yet are we clouded by so many confusions and doubts that keep us from perceiving things the way we must envision them?

I heard a story about a missionary who was sent by his local church for mission work. Later, he learned that his leader passed away, so then a new leader took to lead the congregation. Sooner, the support for the work was not that so consistent until it was stopped. He went back home after many years of serving the country where he was sent. As he passed by a building, he felt such a connection and tried so hard to peek in. There he saw a dusty place and abandoned place of worship. Melancholy covered the atmosphere...

Why was the place abandoned? Why was the vision forsaken? Where 's the vision of the pioneer led the next leader who took charge?...

I was in despair as I listened to the story, but to learn from it after listening is on me to choose.

Personally, is our vision getting clearer as we perceive things each day, or is it fading or becoming blurry? I hope it is always clear as crystal no matter what happens.

#vision #discipline #choice

Thanks for reading!