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RE: Turn Out Bees Are Capable Of Neuroplastic Behaviour Just Like Us Humans - They Can Teach New Skills To Other Bees.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I love to watch them fly in and out of a beehive. They are amazing little creatures. Every day different situation with them. Give them respect.
Edit: when new bees are born they come out from hive and first learn to fly , then they learn surroundings. New ones receive informations and knowledge from older bees . Life of a bee is short , 5-6 weeks so they need to learn quick. It is like Borg collective from Star Trek.


FULL RESPECT GIVEN BY @mindhunter :-)

Thans, bees makes you wonder ....such small creature with a task so big...for what purpose we are here on planet Earth. We have a task of destroying everything. We dont make natural structures , we polute , we make everything wrong. Nature cant compensate our wrong doings.

All those pesky pesticides are killing the mini-Borgs! GRRRRRRR!

"Assimilate Assimilate....sorry!....Nectarise, Nectarise!"

"Return to Borg cube...sorry!...beehive for regeneration!"