Once in I while I post about my witness node to try and get some more votes. It is important because since the Hard Fork 25 the votes now expire within 1 year.
This past month I think I did something right and I doubled the voting power that was delegated to me. I went from getting 1 block 1 month to now getting around 1 block a week!
I have lost only 2 blocks because of an accident on my server, but since then all blocks that the network assigned to me were mined. The last one was block 56547969.
It is kind of rewarding to see my server "mining". I have prepaid for 1 year and within a few months it went from 1 block a month to 1 block a week. I hope that before I renew it I manage to be assigned a block a day, but I think I would have to get to the top 100 to get there.
Anyways, thank you everyone for the healthy discussions and for sharing your points of view, and specially thank you for those who trust with a witness vote!
Click here and vote me for witness on HiveSigner
Or use your preferred signing tool to vote me:
PS: If you have suggestions of witnesses for me to vote that are above the top 50, suggest me. I aim to vote at over top 50 because I think my vote is worthless to witnesses with a high rank, but I might considering voting on the "top over 20" if I can't find someone over 50 to cast my vote to.
I updated some votes and have voted for you now :D
What are the specs of your server? In which region? I wish you success in your goal to reach the top 100 👍 You have my vote.
It is a Contabo VPS. Not expensive but worth it, 60GB of ram and 10 virtual cores. The cores are very slow but it has a good amount of RAM, which is important for Hive
It's actually better to have less RAM but a faster CPU, you don't need more than 24GB of RAM currently. Hive is actually single CPU software.
Glad you're progressing. It's not easy and takes time and patience.
How do you setup the server to be able to serve as a witness node? Have any guide or tutorial on how to set one from scratch?
Just keep in mind that it is not profitable unless you are in the top 20 witnessesI do not have a tutorial yet, but @someguy123 has and he has a docker image that makes it very easy to run
https://github.com/Someguy123/hive-docker https://peakd.com/hive-139531/@someguy123/how-to-set-up-a-hive-witness-or-seed-node-non-mira-upgrade-from-steem-docker-to-hive-docker
profitable for the top 20 because they produce every minute, but the backup node, is randomized... did you track how many blocks you produce per day? I wonder if a mere mortal like myself can setup a node on an old laptop?
Last week I was producing 1 block per week and I was in the position around 150 to 200.
Now I am near the top 100 and produce 1 per day.
You may be able to run on a laptop, I think it needs at least 32GB of RAM, over 512GB storage and be online 24/7.
I know people that run witnesses at home so it is doable
holy crap! I was thinking in something more modest setup, I have laying around a core i5 2nd gen with 8GB of RAM and 512GB HDD (mechanical) ... I don't think it would work... or at least give it a try to see how it goes.
I already vote for your witness.
I think you will need is a heavy campaign promoting the vote and with some benefits or since you are a Developer, some tools to make Hiving easier. That's my 2 cents.
Thank you for the reply, some users didn't even bother to reply the messages they receive in their posts.
Nice one. I hope you get all the required votes
I don't know much about witness related matters. But I think you need to run some kind of project or game to get people attention. To be honest I don't even know you are a witness if I haven't read this post.