Square root

in #life6 years ago

Hello again friends, fellow readers. Today, this publication is to point out some information that was brought to my attention from an external source. Understand, that a believer that sincerely adheres and follows customs or laws are not problematic. Rather its the teachings which has been purposefully dilluted, corrupted and lost.

Who is the author of the Torah?

When we read the Old Testament(Torah), take notice on how in Exodus; "God" tells Moshe Rebbeinu (Moses) " I am not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Jehovah)." Instead, He calls himself by another name (Elohim, Adonai). To me it instills a burning question, if Moses is indeed the author of the Torah, then why is it there is a disreprency as to The IDENTITY of the God? Wouldn't he know?

Second, interesting thought after all these years is; why is it that brothers write Jehovah (יוהוה) and with their voice pronounce it Adonai? It used to seem to me that early Israelites worshipped, the active part of the androngynous God (male) for certain events (strength, redemption, etc), the female or passive part for others (healing, loving kindness, etc). Never once did it occur to me in the past that these two forces are entirely seperate.

Why would Jehovah, in the desert command Moses to not make graven images (of anything) and in turn command him to craft a staff with entwining snakes? Why is it that? In the same mode of thought; why is the command thou shall not steal, but instead commanded Moses and the Israelites to rob the Egyptians of their gold and silver? Again, not to murder is a command, but in the desert Moses led the people and God instructs him to Kill all of early Israel because of their incessant complaining. The full list of contradiction is exhaustive....

As parents, husbands/wives, etc, we know that rules are implemented for a reason and they must be adhered to by all parties. For instance we cannot tell our children you cannot have cake for breakfast, then in turn tell them to eat cake. It just dont work that way.

The Old and New

According to the Targum and the Talmud (as well as the Nazarene Codex), they give account of "Jeshu" whom was and is Jesus. Now, many of the essene jews and nazarenes and ebionites (another jewish sect) venerated Jesus. As he worked many miracles openly to everyone. Truly they recognized that the spirit of the concealed name of God, was upon his being after the baptism by John.

What Jeshu brought to the people was a new way. Freedom from Jehovah wrath. As he said " you have heard it said, eye for an eye, blood for blood.., but surely as I say it to you love your enemies, pray for them." In every facet, Jeshu seemingly teaches that there is freedom and yet still a higher force than what was given to Moses.

Jeshu according to Jewish works traveled to Syria and Egypt. Where in Egypt he entered a temple (simplifying here for sake of audience) that was guarded by two Lions inwhich only the high priest was permitted to enter. Outside the temple however, Jeshu perceived the "keys" and entered. The nazarenes state that he copied the writings unto a square cubiform and again in clay so that it should never be lost.

What he did was used this cubiform to for the benefit of the people. The sadducces (nihilistic, mean individuals) where the first to completely condemn him as using devils* "daemons**" to heal and work miracles. Now lets pause, and look back at Moses.

  • pre Iraenus - there was no such motion as devils or daemons **, as there was really thought process passed down by kabalists of reincarnation. The arguement that Gehenim is stated, but again this a tactic (invented by orthodox order) to scare jews into compliance. There was no hell or devil before Iraenus. There was only life. In kabala it is taught that the good and dark light is like a flame. The white "pure, good" is divine and that darkness "blue portion" of the flame eventually rises to the top before being worked down to below the white portion. Both depends on the will of the creator, from the same source.

When Moses left Egypt, as a Priest, knowing the same information as Jeshu (Jesus), he called down plagues, death, destruction, namely wrath upon the Egyptians. Solomon states "Moses through a ceremony called down massive amounts of destruction among the Egyptians, through the same rituals which he (Solomon) passed down.*"

  • see clavical of Solomon

Now back to Jeshu, the pharisee of the time where actually more liberal and observant to what was going on. Probably in my mind, perplexed. Eventually, Jeshu was accused after drawing the line in the sand that he was "usurping" the power of the cherubim (data on cubiform) and condemned.

In all of this, is a very huge contrast between old and new testaments. The God of Moses is a very different one than what Jeshu openly referred to. Jeshu taught that the law was not done away with, rather through the presiding spirit (upon him) was fulfilled. Releasing, the people of the laws and its wrathful God. Only had they believed. (Side note: see Pauls use of the word archon or "AEONS" in his writings)

Jeshu brilliantly sums the disreprency (of Gods) up by the parable of wineskins and coats. He is referring to Jehovah and the statutes given at sinai. The old way, could not fit into the new way and vice versa.

Who is Jeshu (Jesus)

Many of the conceptions of today (dishonest dogmas instituted by early Catholic church "Iraenus") put Jesus upon the level of "God" in the flesh. But, Jeshu affirmed many times to all of his disciples that there is no such of a thing as good, except for God (which echoes Hermes Trismagistus). He taught that through the truth people can be free of suffering and oppression (laws of previous time and the wrathful God). But, the jews rejected him namely sadducees and orthodox.

He repeatedly states, no other (man) knows or has seen my father in heaven. And that he never states the name of his father, not even once. This is a deathblow to the perceptions of Moses being a parralel to Jeshu AND that the two are interrelated. Jeshu indeed had a divine spirit upon him, and when upon the cross at the final moment cries "my God My God why have you forsaken me?" Meaning the divine spirit, seperated from him, because it cannot die. Just the flesh. Just the vessel breaks.

If youre still not convinced, see what happens as he is ressurected as spirit/soul. The disciples whom had traveled with him for years did not recognize him at first. Think about the implications here.

Jeshu was a man, that had a divine influence that told of a helper that was to come. Not to overload you, but want to share the truth (as far as I know it).

the bottom line

Be free to believe what you will. But it has occured to me, that throughout the history of mankind The highest aspect of God had sent helpers to help mankind remember (learn) what was first taught. Learning is remembering.

No matter what your inclination is; Christian, Jew, Moslim, Brahma, Buddhaist, Gnostic, we all have the divine influences. There is no seperation. As for me personally, I am looking for the day when we shrug off the evil inclination that has resulted from Dogmas and false principalities, living in unison as we did once before. All life is sacred.

personal note

Some of you may disregard my message in part as nonsense. Some in whole. Others may embrace it. But once you see the truth, what difference is there among you and I? We are creations. Our purpose is simple: to live and give praise, to grow, to try our best and percieve these simple truths that had been deliberately hidden and distorted in time.


You ask too many questions dear.... Lol

Maybe not enough. But, honestly there is more answers than questions. Or at least thats what I found.

Yes, the earlier writings of the bible does seem to imply the idea of multiple Gods. God himself was attributed with saying not to worship other Gods as He is a jealous God. Not quite what you were talking about, just something I noticed years ago.

I also think it is worth mentioning Moses didn't write all 5 of the books attributed to him in all likelihood. He dies before the ending of the 5th book, so it raises the question of who recorded it and if they in fact recorded all of it.

I find it telling many Christians are unaware of the debate in the early years over the relationship of Jesus to the Father.


Thanks for another enlightening post. It's not often one reads something off the accepted mainstream teachings that most do not question.

Arius (; Koine Greek: Ἄρειος, 250 or 256–336) was a Libyan presbyter and ascetic, and priest in Baucalis in Alexandria, Egypt. His teachings about the nature of the Godhead in Christianity, which emphasized the God's uniqueness and the Christ's subordination under the Father, and his opposition to what would become the dominant Christology, Homoousian Christology, made him a primary topic of the First Council of Nicaea, which was convened by Emperor Constantine the Great in 325.
After Emperors Licinius and Constantine legalized and formalized the Christianity of the time in the Roman Empire, Constantine sought to unify the newly recognized Church and remove theological divisions. The Christian Church was divided over disagreements on Christology, or, the nature of the relationship between Jesus and God.

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