While education is an important factor for the progress of a country. In fact, sometimes education is often used as a benchmark of the progress and success of human resource management in a country.
As we know that every country has its own rules in managing education in their respective regions, where the rules and regulations vary in each region in managing their education. But there is one culture of education in Indonesia is celebrating graduation by crossing out uniforms. The graduation celebration with crossed out the school uniform has become a tradition and culture among junior and senior high school students in Indonesia.
From late afternoon until late at night the students in Indonesia tonight celebrate their graduation by partying fora with their friends. Often in celebrations like this there are many deviant behaviors done by them. Starting from sex with her boyfriend in a drunken state to consume drugs type sabu-sabu and so forth. This is not a good culture to be defended, but it is a culture that destroys the future of a generation of nations. The students are candidates and the forerunners of future leadership holders, I can not imagine what would happen if they were to lead a country.
This culture should not be done, but what can make the rice has become porridge. Such celebrations have taken place and have become a tradition among the students in Indonesia. There is no preventive effort from the school or government to ban such celebrations as students do today.
For students, graduation is one of their most important moments. So no wonder if many students who celebrate it. However, It is unfortunate that graduation celebrations chosen by junior high and high school adolescents are often of little use. Even the celebration is often a problem. They doodle uniforms using spray paint / phlox, vandalism, convoy, until Brawl.
Itulah salah satu contoh yang sangat merusakkan bagi kader masa depan dan ini jelas perbedaan yang terjadi dari hasil lulusan sekolah dari pesantren dengan lulusan dari sekolah yang berada duluan pesantren
pendidikan pesantren lebih mampu dalam mewujudkan kader pemimpin masa yang depan. dan saya yakin andai lulusan pesantren yang memimpin negeri, maka tidak ada lagi pencurian yang dilakukan dalam mesjid. pencurian berkedok baitul mal
i love this great culture. it happens here too in Nigeria but it is after the last paper. pouring of water and defacing the cloth that is worn that day
what do you think does this culture is good?
i can't say if it is good or bad. all i know is if you are ok with it you go ahead with it if you are not it ok. it is a choice