Writing Something I Cannot Explain

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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Tonight, I write on the wall of my room about a story that cannot I explain. I let my heart open. But my heart remains here (empty for days, months, even years). He told me in the morning. He does not feel the same about us in his bones it seems to me that when I die these words will be inscribed on my tombstone.

And I will go, go tonight the land under my feet is wide open and I have been holding too tight and strong with nothing in between.

This is the story of my life, I take it home, I drive all night to keep it warm, but time has frozen. I gave him hope, I spent love until he was destroyed in the story of my life.

When I got home, something was still there and written in irreversible colors. I'm open my heart, but I stay here in the room. I know that in the morning, tomorrow I will see our love burning on the hill. Although my life is broken, my heart is still wild. And I will go, go tonight Fire under my feet is burning bright. I'm tired of chasing you like chasing a cloud. I have given you hope, I spend my love with you till you dissolve in my love story.

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