This writeup reminds me of Dr Russel Conwell's timeless classic, ACRES OF DIAMONDS; "the land upon which you stand is your goldmine if only you will apply the right attitude with." NOW what's that right attitude he was talking about? A change in perspective of course! The truth is our perspective about a thing informs our attitude around it.
Please, you people should not misconstrue the message @ogoowinner is passing across. It is necessary i say this because i can see a lot of people painting facebook bad indirectly through their comments.
It all boils down to perspective as she rightly stated. For instance, i'm a public speaker, and interestingly, a number of the invitations i've received to come speak came from facebook friends i had never met before that time. Mind you, it had not always been like that. In fact, i sat one day and thought to myself, "instead of just coming to post pictures and wait for people's comments and likes, what if i rebranded my page to market my career." And that was simply how the turnaround as a result of my change of perspective. I have a lot of friends who are making cool cash on facebook.
sis ogowinner, thanks for this great piece.