If you've been thinking about it: go for it!

in #life7 years ago

The last couple of weeks I have repeatedly thought about starting a YouTube channel. Documenting my journey in a similar fashion as I do it here on Steemit. The main difference being the means of transportation.

Video vs. written word

What I have noticed is that I'm way better on video. Funnier, wittier, more engaging.

Now, that might be due to a lot of contributing factors. Not putting in enough time to rewrite posts, living them as a one take. But then the same would probably be done in video format.

Anyhow, I put out a lot of content on Snapchat. And do get encouragement from people to start a YouTube channel. So, the potential seems to be there.

And then just now I thought about doing micro blog posts on my instagram.

Thinking vs. doing

I know what I have to do. We all do. We have a sense of what the right thing to do is at most times. Wanna lose weight? Exercise and eat well. Advance in career? Build skills and relationships. We know what to do. We know it!

But doing it is a different story. No doubt about it.

Pondering doesn't get you anywhere

All the what ifs are irrelevant. I'm at a point now where I just black them out and go for what I want. The upside simply strongly outweighs any potential downside.

Let's face it. The only "downside" is my "friends" looking at me weird, for the type of content I put out. I can be quite a strange comic.

I should probably save this draft and work on it later to turn this into a concise stream of thought. But that's the beauty of my work. I don't hide the bad. Try to be as authentic as possible. So, this will go live.

What I wanna say is: Go for it.

If a thought about doing something crossed your mind more than once, you have to act on it.

That's what I'll do. Start the YouTube channel, put out content, get feedback and then iterate from there. See how much fun it brings me. How much value. Same thing with the micro blogs. I'd say I'm a decent writer, so putting it on instagram is worth a shot. And if it doesn't work at least I acted!

But of course, we're going in with the mindset that it's gonna work!

Stay awesome and don't fail to build!


Go for it! once you are up on youtube.. share some of those here too.. would love to check them out. I love making videos but it isn't helpful as I can't overcome fear of talking to the camera .. haha.

Will do! That's probably the biggest decision: do I make em in German or English haha

Well, if you love making them then that's enough reason to not fear anything :)

Thanks for the motivation! nice post :)

Thank you for your encouraging and for this pink lipstick. Im gonna go for it...

I hope it tastes good ;) don't assault anyone tho haha

Oh i'm going for it! I'm going for it so hard!
Stay awesome! :D

great encouragement:)

Brilliant narrative! Thank you for sharing.

I vote you because nice informasion, please you vote back . Thanks you

Ok..... if I like your posts. I'll take a look......

ok thanks you boss

Thank you! :)

You're welcome.

Stay awesome @ikigai!

I been thinking of getting on video, nervous about it with my medical cannabis content and my job.

Congratulations! Thanks for motivate us. Great post :)

Hell yeah, just go for it! If your friends think you're weird, that's on them. You might get even more like-minded friends out of it. And most of all, if it's something that's going to make you happy... doooo it! Life's short.

Go for it man!