Why you gotta do this to me?
Ever since I started studying I was hoping I'd get the chance to study abroad. For a semester, a year, an entire graduate program. Didn't matter.
Even back in high school, I dreamed about living abroad. Hearing all those great stories from fellow classmates who had spent a year in the US.
When I looked into different majors after only four weeks as a math major, something appealing came up.
This major that required you to do a semester abroad.
You mean to tell me, I HAVE to go? That's awesome!
While everyone is hoping they'll get to spend a semester somewhere else, this new major encourages, no requires, this.
My choice was made.
Looking at all the schools I could do my semester at, thanks to the huge partner network of my school, one country in particular piqued my interest.
And that was Korea.
Never been. Never heard much about it. But their school is ranked quite good. And I like Asian food so, clearly, we have a deal right?
Not quite
Almost two years ago I went to Korea. Traveled there for 10 days, had a blast and finally decided I was gonna study there.
In Seoul. This massive city that feels like five different cities in one. Simply wonderful.
It was crystal clear to me. I was gonna go there in Spring, graduate and just stay in Korea. Enjoy their booming tech industry, their delicious food.
After joining Steemit, I found out that their crypto space is enormous too, so what could possibly hold me back.
Well, let me tell you about my predicament.
Not so fast Mr. Below Average Grades
Some people call it lazy. Some call it disinterest. Some call it undisciplined, unfocused. Other's call it being a dumb piece of shit.
I'm calling it being an efficient procrastinator.
You see, I can't be bothered to learn about stuff I don't care about. Don't see the value in.
So, naturally I'm winging most of my classes.
At this point, I barely even go to class because if I have to learn something, I'd rather teach myself or learn from a credible source in a fraction of the time.
Anyway, I ended up not having the best GPA. Not "living up to my potential".
Got played
However, there was one class I quite enjoyed. Felt like I had a connection with the teacher. She was nice. And young. quite good looking. You get the idea.
The class needed the student's interaction so of course, I was always contributing to the debate.
At the end of the semester, she thanked all of us for our participation and said she would gladly write a recommendation letter for any of us in case we ever needed one. Crucial point right here.
I only sent her 70% percent of the assignments, telling her I was spending my time on other stuff, was too busy to finish all of them. I was working intensively on my business back then.
Which resulted in me getting a B.
The recommendation letter
In order to study overseas, you need certain things for your application.
A language certificate, all the basic stuff, your grades and a recommendation letter.
So, I reached out to her.
She denied my request. "Sorry, I only write them for A students."
Here's the joke. Even though it's not a funny one.
The so called "recommendation letter" I need, is a two page file, provided by my school, in which the professor has to check three boxes and write a paragraph, heck, a sentence, about me.
Easy enough, right?
Apparently not.
The problem
Now, I have about a week to finish my application before the deadline hits.
If I can't find someone to write me a recommendation letter, I'll either have to study in Europe, or study a semester longer and then go.
Already e-mailed all the profs whose classes I had decent grades in.
No response yet.
So, next week I'll have to go to all their lectures and "win friends and influence people".
I know I got this!
Still, it's ludicrous.
I HAVE to study abroad. It's not like I asked her to vouch for me, put her neck on the line and refer me to some top level exec so I can get a job.
It's my mandatory semester abroad...
Anyway, she probably had her reasons. I respect that.
Is it that bad to study in Europe?
I mean, you still can travel and do other stuff...
And it's not like you have to study in the university your whole life :d
It's fine.
Not bad, I've simply been to a lot of places in Europe. I live in Germany.
Have been learning Korean for some time now and want to experience a different culture :D
looks like you are quite intelligent in the studies :D
Sometimes when I read your post, I feel like you write from another realm.
I'm awestruck
Wow, thanks for your kind words! :)
Waaaaw, very good writing. If I am a lot of money I will be traveling around the world, glad to be going to south korea.
I know you can do this!
Good luck!
great work I love Korea
I support you until the end very nice post thanks for sharing @ikigai
Perhaps she will change her mind.
Great place in Korea!
great work im korean :)
Motivational post for many this is truly awesome you are doing amazing things..
i am motivated with your writing, love to read it...
Nice view good job
you living your life in your way that what matter at the end of the day
i don't think about studies that much i am happy to study at my own city
everyone has their own opinion i too respect that
Is there a way to improve your grades?
It's so easy to have A in the college or university.
Because almost all the students suck and think about other stuff not related to studying so you will look good comparing to them))
Come on, you can do ittt you can do ittt
So much love to share,.. and Yes,... with the one who appriciate it everytime