When You're In Over Your Head...

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Where to start...


It shouldn't take me 20 minutes to figure out how to open this post, but, it has.

So I'll start by saying this - I don't know what I'm doing.

When I was introduced to crypto a few months back, I really thought I could change my life for the better. I started steemit with high hopes for the future.


I had nothing going for me except university,

but I already knew after one year of attending, that it was not the life I wanted for myself.

So I decided I would take this coming semester off, to continue investing in crypto and hopefully finding some kind of opportunities in this space. This obviously didn't sit well with my family. They asked what I was going to do, and I explained what I've been doing here in the crypto space and with Bitcoin.

As to be expected, they had their doubts, and they teased me, and they tried to convince me otherwise. And for a while, I thought they were wrong. I really thought I could jumpstart my life with crypto and use it to branch into other areas like the stock market, and real estate. Generate some passive income for myself so I could live wherever I want and be able to find out what I want to do in life, without the pressure of not having the financial backing to do so.



after being in crypto for a few months and physically having little to show for it, other than a few wallets that have some coins with some value.... I've realized that the life I'm trying to live isn't possible. It's just a dream.

It's embarrassing, but It's true. I have no reason to lie about things anymore. I've hit my lowest point in life emotionally, and it sucks to say it.

I saw crypto and blockchain as a godsend, and I literally put everything on the line in hopes I could improve my life and the lives of my loved ones. I stopped spending money. I literally put every single dollar I earned from my part-time job into crypto for months, living off of as little as $20 a week and whatever else I could scrape up. I stopped hanging out with friends and family because I needed to be at my computer at all times in order to make trades. I recently stopped exercising and caring about myself.

I stopped caring about everything except for that chance to make something of my life.

6 months later, I have more money than I ever had in my life, while simultaneously losing the things I loved and cared about. It seems like they've stopped caring about me too.


I've hit a dead end.

I don't know how much longer I can live like this; chasing this crypto dream that everyone else seems to be living. Nobody supports me in this, but I've pushed through the doubt and still put everything on the line for this. Additionally, I had promised my Mom that I would take care of us using the funds I made from crypto.

Well, it was all put to the test once I was basically forced to withdraw my funds in order to live up to my promises.

Long story short; markets are down so my portfolio has low value, a series of unfortunate events occur and funds must be withdrawn, and voilà, back to square one.

And now I sit here, wondering why I thought things could work out. Wondering what the fuck I was thinking.


Losing the money isn't what hurts,

I was fully aware what I was putting my money towards. What hurts is all the plans, and dreams, and expectations that I had churned up..... gone in the blink of an eye.

Maybe I should have listened to people, and gone back to school. Maybe I should have invested into better things so I could generate money faster. Maybe I had set my hopes too high.

Whatever the case, I'm not sure what will happen next. I have made promises here on steemit which I will uphold, but once I act on those promises and pay back the people I owe money, I'm not sure what I will do.

I'm tired of pretending like I'm some kind of impenetrable superhuman who never feels emotion, and can overcome any obstacle with ease. I'm in over my head.... and I just needed to admit that to myself.


Just felt like venting.

I don't really have anyone to vent to anymore.... I lost them chasing my crypto dreams.


seems like you are having a tough time.

let me know if I can help, don't give up on your dreams, but maybe find several things, crypto, working/education, starting businesses, side gigs, etc. to do at once.

that way if one fails, you have a backup!

Thank you man, you didn't need to send the tip but I appreciate it regardless.

find several things, crypto, working/education, starting businesses, side gigs, etc. to do at once.
I was trying to do those kinds of things, but I needed money to start, and I had my hopes set on crypto to be able to make these things happen. Just when I thought I had it, I lost it. Like I said, the money isn't the issue, it can be made back, but the fact all my expectations just got shot out of the sky... that's what hurts the most...

I likes this post very much so.
You should read my bloggss about designer dresses and chocolate pudding.
I will follow you if you follow me.
Upvoted my newest steemits friend.

lol, I would love to read your thoughts on designer dresses and chocolate pudding....sounds fascinating.

Follow me, I return the favor.
Nice post.

yup loosing money does not hurt but loosing a dream foes hurt when a coin goes down it not only take down our money but also breaks the dreams we have seen@illestbambi man u have written the story of my life man there's always someone we have to impress in my case its my family.

Nice post man 🖖🖖

you did great, but never promise anyone anything. I see you got #rekt by living up to a promise to your family... Get back on the horse and let the humans in your family take care of themselves until you are RICH enough to take care of them (if you really want to). Great post.

Thanks man,
I definitely learned a lot from this.
I appreciate all the helpful advice and tips you've been giving me, and I plan on continuing past this.

This is The STRONGEST POST I have read in a very, very , very long time....it shows you are real and probably have more moral fiber than a lot in this game...... I will tell you this as someone who has vented about a very low point in my own life...it is a sign of strength to do this and I have a feeling you will wind up on a much better path very soon <3 b.a.

Thanks battleaxe,
I just needed to clear my head, I was holding too much in and I figured I could share and maybe feel a little better.
And I do feel better and plan on pushing forward, thanks to people like you, Jonny, whatsup, fyrst.

You are young with lot's of time to find your life's vision. I know it can hurt in the moment, but it is just part of learning.@illestbambi,

Surely you have seen the commercials of Michael Jorden and how many game winning shots he missed? (hmm, maybe you are too young for those) Anyway, my point is life and success do not come for most of us in 6 months even when we try really hard. We call that practice.

Maybe try a little balance, I've listened to you speak and I know you are smart and that you have been trying. Again, that is practice.

Consider adjusting your time frame and expectations and give yourself a break, all the people living the crypto dream probably had some failures first.

Don't give up.

PS. I understand a bit what it feels like to be frustrated and to question yourself, just try to keep some prespective.

yep, the strongest people on here at least that I've encountered will tell you of the lows and highs not just some slick always happy b.s. glad you posted this whatsup, glad you posted this illestbambi, you have grit, determination and enough wisdom to speak your truth

I hope you find balance and fulfill all your dreams. You sound young, and trust me, if trying to make a better life for ourselves were the rock bottom for the youth of today, so many would not have overdosed on heroin or become addicted to pharmaceuticals.

Moderation in all things will be key. Trust me when I say, everyone has these issues at some point and most of us encounter them several times over a lifetime. The old saying, "It's not whether you win or loose, it's how you play the game," holds great wisdom.

I have heard this repeated by Physicist Tom Campbell, when he talks about the larger consciousness system. Paraphrasing, "Life presents obstacles, it's how we deal with them that is the measure of our growth."

I would say you are making straight A's at life. Recognizing when something is not working, then adjusting, is how it's supposed to work.

Good luck, but I think you will be fine.

Wish I could upvote this with $100.


Thanks man :)

Dude you're one of the coolest and smartest people I know and you're still only 19. When I was that age I was flipping burgers and doing coke, a total waste of space. Everyone has fucked up moments, and hopefully we learn from them. Whatever you do, you're gonna kill it, in the long term. Chin up bro.