Happiness: My Challenge 4

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Fashion always makes me happy and I spotted some hot trends this week while shopping. Exciting!

My weekly practice of creating a happiness mindset for this week and something I want to do on a regular basis. I challenge you to answer the same questions and remind yourself that you live a great life!!!

  • What makes you happy right now?

Other than fashion, lol, suffocating procrastination and feeling the pleasure of watching big items on my to-do list get wiped out!!!

  • What are you grateful for right now?

A clear mind in the early morning hours with some caffeine, lol.

  • What would add value to your life right now?

Tasting some fresh morning air and seeing an early morning sunrise.

Remember, your life and your stories in your life are your greatest artistic project. Make your story your favorite story.