Gulhaider from Pakistan Peshawar ..
"I entered practical life as a child. When I was in 8th class I started selling kabaar
after collecting it from garbage dumps so that I can pay for my school expenses and help my father looking after our family. My father was a driver with a very small income. At the same time I would find time to play cricket in a local club as game of cricket is my passion to the extent of madness. During summer holidays I would sell sharbat
on a rairha
. After finishing Matriculation Exams I started working as a chowkidar
in a social welfare organisation. I learnt a lot during this time and the experience of these days helped me a lot in the coming years of my life. After a year as a chowkidar
I was promoted to become the incharge of the night shift in the same organisation. With time I came across an opportunity of working as the MD of another small organisation. Having worked for 2 years as the MD, the complete running of that organisation was handed over to me. This all became possible because of my relentless hard work and Allah accepting my hard work and rewarding me more than I actually deserved. While doing all this I continued supporting my family as well. We are 5 brothers and 2 sisters. I accepted the responsibility of educating my brothers and sisters. Alhamdulillah I was able to send one of my brothers abroad for higher education.Once becoming somewhat stable financially, I rented a building to start a hospital (partially charitable) . The whole team worked very hard day and night and thanks to Allah the hospital is now established on firm grounds providing good basic medical and surgical care for routine health problems via a very competent and dedicated team which is also supported by specialist doctors who come over as volunteers. While this was happening I laid the foundation of Youth Gleam Welfare Organization. This organisation helps Thelassemia, Heamophilia and blood cancer patients. The organisation also covers blood donation/transfusion emergencies. Today I am the owner of a hospital in front of which few years ago I used to sell
on a rairhi
. On many occasions my education got interrupted but I never gave up. I have done Bachelor in Political Science as a private student. I am planning to continue doing Masters in International Relations (IR). Whatever I am today is because of the unrelenting determination and hard work I put in. I am very grateful to Allah. Allah by His mighty Grace has protected me all my life from ever spreading my hand in front of anyone else asking for help. I think everyone of us is born into certain circumstances and our test is to change those circumstances for better.
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