How are you it's been a while (yeah one day is too long for me). As you see i jump of day 3 because nothing particulary happenned so voilà...
You see my title ? Electroneum ! It's a cryptocurrency like Steem but not the same level of leverage... It's sad to tell but electroneum is coming to be in the graveyard for me.
I'm feeling so sad about this because i "invest" in and now it's just lower from 2 years now. I have actually 4919 electroneum :) not bad huh if the coin value was 10$ i will be fine but no actually it's 0,005457 USD....
Do you know this crypto before ? If yes, do you think it's a scam or their projects will become real in future?
Oh dear it's so frustrated, well we can't win on every trade we made. Are you a crypto enthusiast ? (sure we are on steemit but you just want to make money and don't know about others crypto) Tell my your journey in cryptoworld i will be glad to speak about it with you.
Oh one more thing about my sandwich stage i receive an offer so maybe i will get an interview crossfinger wish me luck ;)
ps: I eat a kebab in Argenteuil today was not so good today
I wanna say good night/day hope you are well everywhere you are buddy,