About Street Beggar.

in #life6 years ago

A street beggar is a person who begs in streets. He is found everywhere. He is found in tatters sitting at one side of a street which is usually crowded and busy. He is seen going after a passerby for some money.

A street beggar tries to draw attention and sympathy of the passengers by his pleasing voice. Now a days we can see male and female both beggar in the street. They do not possess good health. Some beggar are sick and some are weak. A beggar have not any house for living. He sleeps in street or anywhere under the open sky. He lives a life of sorrow. So we should take care of them and we never should fight with them.


Wow nice post.. We should take care of them.

Very nice post...We shouldnot fight with them.We have to respect them.thank brother for a awseome posr

very nice post

nice article