You're Gonna Wish You Had A Kept On Blogging!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

There's a lot of things we wish for and can't have, right? But I'll tell you once and I'll tell you now; if you stop blogging on Steemit, you're gonna wish you hadn't. @Zord was just blogging about the same thing and inspired this post. He said things a little nicer than I do here.

But....BUt....BUT....It's Not Worth It Right Now - There's Hardly Any Payout!


Please stop! We are all in the same boat around here which means I really don't want to hear it. I'm relatively new around here, but there were people blogging for pennies on the dollar just a year back.

They stuck it out when things weren't on the up and up, and they are still building their accounts. That's why they get so many votes, you see.

But....BUt....BUT....What About When The Market Swings Back Up & You Haven't Been Posting?

If you who this doesn't apply to think the crying is loud now, just wait for the Bull Run. We will all have posts that are a day or two old. They'll go from a dollar up to 3 or 4 bucks. A 6 dollar post will go up to 10, and a $40.00 article up to $65.00 or so.

Whaaa, whaaa, waaaa, sob, choke, splurt, leak, and wilt. You stopped posting and now your zero dollar post (cause you don't have one) goes all the way up to zero dollars.

I'm Not Done Rubbing It In Yet!


No, I still have a handful of salt that needs wound delivery. You see, other things are also happening while you're deciding not to blog. People are making connections. They are networking and making new friends.

New followers are upvoting on every new post and the growth may be minuscule right now. Once the price of Steem jumps back up, you'll notice the growth. You'll either cry tears of joy because the earnings are in your account, or you'll stop blogging.

Now I'm Done Rubbing It In

Sometimes people need a gentle touch and a soft voice in their ear telling them to keep moving forward. But just as often when things get tough, people freeze up. Their focus is off and they cannot feel that touch nor hear the spoken word. This is what I say to that.


Don't Give Up. Things Will Be Different Real Soon. Don't Worry. It Won't Help You One Damn Bit Anyway!

Follow @Inalittlewhile If You Need Me To Scare You Back Into Blogging

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I don't blog anymore. It has nothing to do with the payouts. It's just that, when I feel I cannot really contribute something really valuable, I simply won't. And I do not feel obligated to post regurlarly, I think the expectation of your followers is a myth.

I've gone through periods where I don't feel it either and no one should feel obligated. Most writers like myself do it because we enjoy writing.

As for the followers, I agree it's a myth if you look at them as an expectation. People follow when the work is good, but if you slack off you can lose them. Even if you are still blogging. You have to keep up the quality content.

i think its a little bit of both re: followers. there are some that will stick with you bc they like your content, no matter how few and far between your posts are. but, i think the majority will move on to new bloggers to obsess over. even when youre religiously posting, you can lose followers to new people. followers are obviously important, but your blog shouldnt cater to them. there will always be new people to connect with.

Yea you are right I think. Good thing too, cause I like to blog all over the place. Cross-subject blogging. :)

me too! i cant pick just one topic lol

Haha, some people need a slap to wake up! I remember the days when it was 0.84USD and I was still glad I had 0.01usd - 0.10usd as payout. When my upvote value was at 0.01USD at 100% VP, I was also dam happy.

Yes, there is the man himself! I was diggin' your article so I thought I try a different take on it. Sometimes I need a good swift kick in the arse me self to get back into reality. That's crazy how low the price was. It shows the power of perspective. I saw BTC go up to like 8,400 today and I was thinking. Yes! Then I thought, wait a minute it was near 12,000 just 10 days ago or something. What am I so happy about? Lol.

Haha, well, that's crypto for you. That is why people say that investing in crypto the risks are high, mainly because it fluctuates so much and goes off the tangents at times. It's scary.

It's time to grow your blog, interact with people and make friendship. What I realize is that, you have to build relationship to be successful on steemit.

Thank you @inalittlewhile for inspiring us to keep blogging! Steem on! See you around!

Yes you do. And if you are able to help people, even in a small way, that works even better. :)

Yep. It's a marathon, not a sprint. I think the headline news is stick around and keep keeping on! I keep an eye on my meagre wallet (who doesn't?), but none of it means very much right now.

Just gotta keep the faith!

That's it. Signs are good that the market will explode again later in the year. Keep believing. :)

Don't forget, the steem you get now that's only worth $1-2 could be worth $100-1000 in the very near future. I wouldn't mind if it dipped down to 10 cents again for a little while either - I'd be buying a lot more than I did last time at that price.

Exactly. When I first started I read an article by timcliff that said the same thing. It makes perfect sense. EOS, BitShares, and upcoming Steemit updates are already creating excitement. It's time to help spread the word that better technology is right at hand.

I believe in being faithful to what we are doing here on Steemit. I am sure if we stick on, it doesn't just makes us realize it is worthwhile but our character is also built as we stay through the long haul. This would be an opportunity to see who is taking this seriously though. So glad to come across your write up on this, I like the tight slap! Lol. Cheers and steem on, @inalittlewhile, see you around! :)

Hi @happycrazycon. Those are some really good points to consider that weren't mentioned. It does build character to stick things out and the less serious will drop out. :):):)

P.S. I'm glad you liked the slap. I could get myself in trouble. :)

Hahahahahaha well you didn't! See you around in #steemitbloggers too :)

Yes I agreed that we should keep posting despite the slump. Usually slumps spell out opportunities and when others stopped blogging, this is one's time to shine ! @inalittlewhile

And yet another good point that wasn't brought up. You gals aren't missing anything. Haha.

It's like when people get sea sick on fishing trips. More rail space and fish for the rest of us. It's kinda messed up, but it's true. :)

Any Steem is good Steem... and a steady stream of Steem is even better.

You made me think of this song. I changed the lyrics a bit.

"She said that any Steem is good Steem.
So I took what I could get.
Yes I took what I could get.
Then I looked into her big brown eyes and said,
You aint Steemed nothing yet.
No no baby, you just aint Steemed nothing yet."

Haha. :)

Hey that's a great one!

Haha. You know that one by Bachman-Turner Overdrive? Good jams. :)

Of course, it's a classic!

Resteemed. Especially when you're new (I guess) it can be hard to keep posting. Especially if the motivation comes from the reward and not because it feels meaningful to post.

Simply, yet perfectly worded. Let the motivation be meeting new people and celebrating new relationships. :)

Like most things, Steemit is not a get rich quick scheme, and like most things - to make them work - one has to invest in them. Either by way of time or money or both. I'm here for the long haul, I think. I can't write every day, and I'm struggling to find a group of bloggers whose interests "jive" for me, to follow. I'm also struggling because the handles often make no sense, and with no thumbnail sketch or gravatar, it's hard to know who they are. I know I follow too many which means that the bloggers I really do want to read, and who don't post as frequently as others, are often missed. Anyhow, I need to devise a strategy for myself and get "into" it.

Thanks for your advice @inalittlewhile @fionasfavourites

Well I noticed that you found our group so let me say, Welcome Aboard! It's always nice to meet a friend of @jaynie and I look forward to talking on Discord. :)

Thanks so much! She's a good friend. We don't see enough of each other. Chat on Discord :)

Sure thing. See you in general chat. :)

This is so very true! I have leaned this lesson last year! I have written at least one poem every day for the last 3 month. I will keep on!

We will keep on keeping on
until we won
all there is to win
and took it all for a spin!
We are all winners on the steem.
Steemit is a dream!

Hey Taylor! You got a new follower now! A poetic one! This poem comes with a greeting from my second account I am on a personal quest to write 1000 poems and ask 1000 steemians for 1 SBD. This is my fundraiser to get my own business going. I started to work as a coach and I want to make coach people with disabilities at a more reasonable price. All that send me SBD will get there own personal poem. Are you on bord?

I'm on borg. You got an upvote though I'm not sure if this is a bot or not.

not a boot ... I would not now how it works to run a boot :)

Oh ok. I'm following you. I don't have any sbd, but I might later on. :)

steem shouldn't discourage us from posting quality content continuously.
Steemians, this is the time for us to put in extra effort in posting because
steem could rise unexpected at any time. Please let us continue to do what
You have said it all my dear friend @inalittlewhile. The depreciation of we do best. @inalittlewhile.

Yes, we must continue. Especially if what we do best includes rockin the electric guitar. :) Thanks for stopping by.

I never got into blogging for the payout. I know secretly it would be great if we got a decent wage for what we do, but at the end of the day, it's about our passions and sharing our take on things with whomever. It's a bummer the two aren't hand-in-hand, but that's the whole point. Great article.

Isn't that the truth. I've done ok writing for others. But who wants to build someone elses castle? I prefer writing my own blog, and maybe one day it will pay. Who knows. Thanks for stopping by. :)

I knew from the moment I joined Steemit that I wouldn't be getting much for a while, but I worked hard and built friendships with people, and slowly but surely, I started getting some nice upvotes here and there, making more, all while I kept supporting others through my little upvote and great comments to show I cared about their post. People just need to keep on going at it.

That's awesome @thegoliath. Thanks for sharing, it gives me heart. Hopefully some people who need a boost read your comment. :)

Some people post when steem is high and do not post when steem is low,it simply means they are only here for the rewards and I think that's a shallow mindset.
I think one of the reason steem is still going low is because lots of people stopped posting when they notice the dip and as such value is not added to the community,the more we post and are active the more value we add to the community and the greater the chance of steem going high. We are the life wire,we are the one to sustain the community,so let's keep posting and building relationships.Well said @inalittlewhile. As for me,I wish this dip will continue a little more,so that we can know who the real steemit bloggers are.

You know, I was thinking about that last point you make and I didn't bring it up. You ladies are covering every point I left out.

That right there is a demonstration of community on a small scale.

And how are communities built anyway? Just as you said, by continuing to reach out, network, and make new personal friendships.

Dare we dream that the spammers end up leaving? One can only hope, and downvote too. :)

I'm too stubborn to give up yet! I blogged for YEARS for free, so this is just a bump in the road. I will admit that I am spending more of my time writing for other projects... hoping to diversify my time a little better and not put all of my 'writing eggs' in one basket, so to speak. Still, steemit is a priority to me and I am committed to posting once a day and itneracting, using my voting power each day. I consider steemit a very valuable investment and I'm just waiting for the financial value to soar back up while I'm diligently working on building my following and relationships through steemit.

Great post, fantastic points and keep up the good work!

Thanks for the awesome feedback @byn. I know what you mean about diversification. I do the same thing working for clients and on my WP websites.

I'm a stick in the mud, too much in some past instances. But like you, I think Steem will be rockin again. It all happens with patience, inalittlewhile. :) lol

This post is sponsored by @appreciator in collaboration with #steemitbloggers. Keep up the good work

U5dsdGDmiyNX5kLjiwo1Kfotdy3RMEw.gifGreat way to exchange. Very useful post . Thanks @htooms

Just go away. Nobody wants your spam. An epileptic is going to have a seizure from crap like that.

I 'll get @evian to fix that for you @inalittlewhile, hodl on

Hey thanks. :)

How do you downvote a comment? Every time I write a post about cats or dogs, I get cats and dog "facts". Robot posts. Boring.

I don't know if you can downvote a post or comment that's already at $0.00. But, you can hit that red flag.

I mentioned Dungeons and Dragons in a Steemit comment and now Google Chrome is serving up articles about D&D.