Do You See You?

in #life6 years ago

People get so obsessed with self-improvement that often the best things about themselves are so often overlooked. I wonder if you’ve given much thought to your fine qualities today.

Have you noted how generous of spirit you are?

Have you remarked to yourself the level of delight you take in seeing something good happen to someone or hearing of their success?

Do such questions trigger in you a “yeah, but” initial reaction?

Does the thought of how good you are give way quickly to thoughts of imperfection, whether your own or that of others?

The image with this post is of the sky from where I often sit outside. Notice the infinite possibility of what can be seen in the shapes in the clouds.

Realize that you too are full of infinite potential. What do you see?

What do you choose to focus on?

Realize that the world may not be giving you what you deserve, but it is always giving you what you’ve been trained to unconsciously believe you deserve.

An Invitation

I invite you to speak aloud the following with me three times:

I am good.
Happiness, health, wealth and wisdom are my birthright.
I deserve to be completely happy.
I am happy.

And so it is.

Posted using Partiko iOS


Also smiling helps a lot, when you're smiling the world is different. (i don't know why but it feels different). Beautiful post.

Yes, the outer smile is great for subconscious self-programming. I always say that we have to take responsibility for our own programming.

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This lesson took me a very, very long time to learn. It's such a liberating one, though. As is the one that says to consider how you'd talk to yourself, if you were your own best friend. Would you be so harsh and critical? NO, you'd big up your good points.

Great inspiration! I sometimes am too busy in my daily routines to get everything done in time (work, fitness, family, etc.) that I do not even think about it much. Sometimes on my runs, I do have time to be thankful for what I have which is always enough to move forward with great motivation!

For what you have, and more importantly, for who you are. Gratitude for your presence in this world. Thank you for you.

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I like to think that I am the one who creates the circumstances that occur in my life to accept that as a creator I can say that I am happy, I have what I deserve and that spectacular sky that surrounds me also belongs to me. Thanks for this text

Yes, our expectation is our creation. And we can train our expectation.

Posted using Partiko iOS

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Do not count on it

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So relaxing to look at 😍

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