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RE: The Ten Thousand Wonders of the World

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I just realized how much I’ve missed seeing your posts recently.

I’m glad to have found this one today. Last night I listened to Adyashanti talk about listening. I see that as another aspect of this same topic, as listening is how you leave room for the wonder.

If you think you already know, you don’t listen. Even when someone is talking, if you think you already know what they believe and what point they are about to make, you don’t listen to what they actually say. 90% of the time they may be predictable, but that remaining 10% is where all the growth and discovery lies! That’s the coming into actual relationship with each other.

I’m deepening my commitment to listening to life in response to his talk last night. I really appreciate finding this post written weeks ago by you helping me see yet another facet of why that’s so important.

I’m guessing you’re really busy with the baby, but if you get a chance, come say hi sometime. :)

.... Oh, and please tell me where I can get one of that hammock!


True listening is so hard! I've been really working on it in my own life. I used to be so ready to say what I want to say I'd forget to really listen to the person talking! That made me always misinterpret what someone is saying.

Thanks so much for stopping by, honestly it hasn't been the baby, I just haven't been writing lately, I've had some significant changes in my perception and been doing some internal work. I will get writing here soon, I mostly wanted to find a new direction, one that was less parroting and more real, so I've been doing a lot of reflecting, but I miss the community and will be back. I really love writing so I'm starting to get the itch.

Hammock was a gift! I did a quick google and there are a bunch of similar ones on