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RE: Let's Design a Cottage Together

in #life7 years ago

They call them kiva's around here, but really they are adobe fireplaces. They are often made with a bench so that as the fireplace heats up, so do the seats you can sit on near it. I have one in my current rental that doesn't have benches and had a previous rental house that did have the benches, and prefer that. Here's a pic of my current one.

You can't see it, but at the bottom there is also a compartment for storing firewood.

The places here not only don't have basements, they don't even have crawlspaces! I've talked about this with a couple of natural builders, particularly in terms of being able to get to the plumbing without jackhammering the floor if something goes wrong over the decades. They say that there isn't enough heat retention if you do anything other than slab on grade.

I'm definitely doing solar. Probably won't do wind, because I don't want to listen to the turbine day and night. The heating is a combination of passive solar and hot water flowing under the floors in some parts of the house. Though for this smaller house, passive solar may be sufficient for the entire place.


Ok. Nice. That makes sense. I guess if there aren't many trees in the area, firewood would have to be shipped in. Thanks for sharing that.

There are a number of suppliers of firewood. I will probably have some in the cottage for the guests to use, though I've lost my interest in fires myself. In my last house I burned a lot my first year, then in the last couple years I think I maybe burned 3 fires total! Now I just use the fireplace here as a decorative area.