I am down in Seattle WA, USA with my lil, not so lil, brother enjoying Penny Arcade Expo (aka PAX Prime).
PAX is a video game convention or as I call it a nerd-fest, video games, board games, cosplay fun and general nerdiness.
This is the first time I have been in years and its my Connor's first PAX ever. So glad to be sharing this with him, we are both big kids at heart, and avid gamers.
#paxprime #PAX #games #nerdy #fun
Wow did not know that there was that video game convention, I imagine it was fabulous the day, greetings: D
Yes. It was a full and fun day. Its still going on even, it doesnt end till LATE.
Hello friend, I hope you are well, I did not know you had a younger brother, how was the day in Pax Prime?
He is technically not my blood brother, but he is my brother in every other way. Great kid. Good friend. Happy to be here with him. The day is still unfoldinf but its been fun fun fun
there is no age for the games centers, all of them should be enjoyed fully friend