This was a rather poetic posts...I think when you said "I wonder what those story tellers from Ancient Rome would write and say about us?" it sort of brings up the ideals of a Legacy to me... I wish life was far more of a meritocracy, but as most people find out more often than not who you know often times matters so much more than what you know.
Unfortunately I find myself in darkness quite often these dies fighting effortlessly to preserve the "light" while remaining and figuring out how to transparently be me in my entirety the good and the bad.
I honestly have no idea where I am going most of the time either and for me it's about the journey and growth/experiences along the way to hopefully find more of a meaningful purpose.
Not really sure what type of freedom I'm seeking for, but I am trying to not be entrapped in some of my thought processes, but at times they just seem to grow stronger and stronger... Quite an interesting statement you closed off with as I was born in the year of the snake and that is something I think of quite often.