Why is it that life is important?

in #life8 years ago

The Top Ten

1 God. God is the most important thing ever! ...
2 Love. Love towards your family, friends and everybody else. ...
3 Family. I think family is really the only thing you actually have and I believe they are the most important and I really adore my familyM+104. ...
4 Music. ...
5 Health. ...
6 Friends. ...
7 Foods and Drinks. ...
8 Happiness.

  • Humans are too proud to admit, but all existence of life are the same without special reason when view in the grand scheme of things. Life in itself is not important, it just happens to be a part of the manifestation of the universe. ... Asking what is the meaning of life is to ask what was the initial a dice throw.

  • The meaning of life, or the answer to the question "What is the meaning of life?", pertains to the significance of living or existence in general. ... The search for life's meaning has produced much philosophical, scientific, theological, and metaphysical speculation throughout history.

  • An adventure can be frightening, or it can be great. It can cause pain, or produce joy. ... Successful lives grow out of successful adventures. The adventure of your life is so important that it demands the best of your attention, and the most of your energies, on a daily basis, so that it can be lived well.