The turning point in the lives of those who succeed usually comes at the moment of some crisis, through which they are introduced to their “other selves.” ~ Napoleon Hill
Oh, my. I know this one well. I've found my 'other self' numerous times because of a crisis.
What a crisis does to me: I focus, laser focus, on the solution or finding a solution. All of my energy, time, and money go into implementing the solution. It's also a high-adrenaline time, which means it's short term.
What I've learned about myself:
- I am resilient.
- I am persistent.
- I am smart.
- I am capable.
- I am emotionally mature.
- I am patient.
- I am more than I think I am.
- I am meant for more than what I am doing now.
- I am more than I think, more than I feel, more than I see.
My 'other self' is hard-nosed, solid, one track minded and intense. She comes out when needed during times of non-crisis, and I'm glad she is there. And while I sometimes 'wish' I could always be her, I acknowledge that it is better for me and all those around me that I merge her with my current self. What this looks like: when I need a moment to draw on extra knowledge, or strength, or resilience, or more...I step back, take a breath, calm myself, center my mind on asking for help, and what I need will be made available to me.
Does this make sense to you?
What does introduced to their 'other selves' mean to you?