Continuing from part 1

The Merkaba

With it, all matter and universal essence created can be ordered, mobilized and separated so it can understand itself by parts. In essence what its form does is that it creates a whirlwind of light that generates what we call Chakras. With the creation of this merkaba comes also the creation of potential, since with the integration of the masculine and the feminine it becomes possible to reach another level of co-creation. To delve more into that let's pick up on the three fundamental universal pillars of Creation explained in Pt.1 - Sound, Light and Form:
Ancient cultures recognized the importance of the first universal frequency Sound, as the power of the word or in music. They also recognized the importance of Light, when they created the saying "Follow the light", as the light is the one who puts order, that which co-creates all forms. Form was regarded as what we are, our bodies and what we experience, and the saying was "Enjoy it". But when this wise era ended, the essence on these principles was forgotten and people didn't understand anymore the underlying meaning of Sound, Light and Form, as they couldn't accept them for suddenly it was too abstract. So for us to have come from sound, light an form didn't made much sense anymore. When a large part of the sacred books and knowledge was erased, they had to explain the story in a different way and until today we all know those 3 principles by other names: "In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit". This became the Holy Trinity. Today in religious culture the father is God, the son is Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit was supposed to be... the Woman. But at the time Christianism felt the need to suppress the woman, since women were generally more spiritual than men and as they grew in more knowledge by channeling the universal wisdom into Earth, when the dark ages came all the more spiritual women were persecuted as witches, and thus the change in name to Holy Spirit. So the story became much more vulgar and began to be told basically as: "First there was the father, who married with the mother, that gave him love, and this love created a baby". But in the universe this is the same as Sound (father), and Light (mother) which through the universal magnetic Love and Wisdom gave birth to Form (the son). And this essence of the universal trinity Sound, Light and Form is in reality what makes for the Holy Spirit, which is not just a part of them but the whole. The entire creation process from the Source, spiritual universal Essence is what the Holy Spirit consists of.
For those who say they don't believe in the spiritual, everyone is in many ways spiritual, regardless if they believe it or not, for the only thing they needed to do was to be born. Being spiritual has another underlying significance that no one can deny, which is associated with us being a biological Being. And in the Universe everything is like this, spiritual because it has an essence and purpose, and biological which is basically the processes of which the essence uses for support. One doesn't exist without the other. It's also better to think that Source, Universal Consciousness, or Essence, is not a God, but rather that it is divine.
Going back to the merkaba, if we break down the word it goes Mer=Light, Ka=Spirit, Ba=Body. And so the same trinity applies: Mother, Father, Son. About the creation of more potential mentioned before, this potential can be something similar to what is represented in the next image:

With the creation of the universe, its subtle geometry formed beings capable of experimenting with matter. Remembering that all of us came from the same place, this means that all of us have once passed through the universal Essence, so it is not an unknown place to us. We just decided to divide ourselves to experience everything. So the divine Spirit/Source/divine Being looked for a way into doing exactly that, It looked for something more dense as a vehicle that could be used as a tool or transport. And how did it do that? Through geometry. It created geometry by the same process described in Pt.1, designing the geometry just like an architect and dividing its essence, and through this division of the geometry in various frequencies the result was the creation of the Soul. Let's now delve deeper into this and see what constitutes the geometric composition of the merkaba, and what is the real technology in the universe - the divine technology, that we also have in our bodies as we are all systems within systems.
Dimensions and Chakras
Dimensions and Chakras

At the Essence all is unity but when It needed to separate Itself, (in the same way as the mitosis process of cells dividing), It began to see things from above, to observe Itself, and the following geometry happened:

Unity needs duality to understand itself. Likewise, there is no other way on which one can really understand him/herself if not separated and looked at through another set of "eyes", i.e - without too much ego interferance. In the image above, the inter-dimensional channel is the projection of the Essence, the channel that connects all the other essences in the universe. It is not by mere chance that this particular geometry is also found at the individual level in Beings like us. Does it not resemble a person? Everything in the universe is like so a projection/fractal/hologram/correspondence of Source. And what does this inter-dimensional channel connects? All the dimensions at the universal level and all the Chakras at the individual level:

This inter-dimensional channel is like a tunnel from which all spirits travel into and go from one dimension to another (labeled on the right). And so if Essence is a being that is conscious of Itself, that separated Its consciousness to understand Itself, then what are all those dimensions? They are the different levels of Its consciousness.
When we are totally conscious at a cellular level with the 6th dimension for example, then we are in the 6th dimension. Likewise when we are totally immersed in the 3rd dimension at a cellular level, then we are in the 3rd dimension, so on and so forth. It is important though to have the notion that dimensions are not really one above the other. The 4th dimension is not above the 3rd, neither the 5th above the 4th, etc. as it does not work in this way. The image is merely for easier understanding and the dimensions are to be regarded working more as a wheel or a circle. So we can say that the 1st and the 2nd dimension are not really the base, because they can also be found in the 22nd and 21st dimensions, hence the 1 and the 2, it's a bit more like numerology.
For example, we like to represent the 1st dimension with a dot, as we usually draw it on paper or on a board. Which can be the same dot in the above image, which is also the 22nd dimension, universal Essence. The 2nd dimension we usually draw it with a line, which in the image it's the same as the entire inter-dimensional channel. So in a perspective, "the dot" is both the 1st and the 22nd dimension, and "the line" is both the 2nd and the 21st dimension.
Now let's see in the image to what corresponds each of these dimensions, or levels of consciousness with the chakras:
The first universal pillar is Sound, which represents the throat chakra, separated by divine Source to know Itself better, into the 19D - here is the voice of the universe. Sound generated frequency and vibration, separated by divine Source into the heart chakra, (18D to the 15D) - Love and expansion. Then this frequency and vibration of Sound irradiated Light - dimensions 12 and 11, corresponding to the solar plexus chakra. This is the middle point, serving as a gateway of communication between all the universe and where the Akashic records are located, the registry of the connection with all beings. Light became condensed with so much intensity that made possible the co-creation of temporal density - from the 9D to the 5D, this is the sacral chakra. This temporal density was all united in one place until it exploded, causing the Big Bang and generating the Form - root chakra, dimensions 4th and 3rd, which has to do with matter. The 7th chakra can be considered as the white around all the chakras, as it encompasses all in harmony.
All of this is also inside the merkaba. As the top pyramid in the merkaba starts to spin clockwise and the bottom anti-clockwise, a vortex spiral is created in the middle like a big tornado in which everything starts to stretch and divide up and down. When all the Essence is divided then the chakras, which are the bodies of the Soul, appear and this is the moment when the Soul starts to exist. As we are now in the 3rd dimension, it means that we are in the bottom experiencing with maximum division, which is in its own way also very interesting because we did it by choice. And it is even more interesting because we can't go back to Source again unless after experimenting with all this division we find a way to unite everything inside us first, becoming subtle beings again. It's kind of like a dangerous game, for every time we physically die without being able to unite the duality, we loop back into whatever dimension again and again, because we haven't yet learned everything we need. This is the reincarnation process which consists of bringing the Sky to Earth and give back its light to the Sky.
So again - Sound, Light and Form, also known in science as Frequency, Energy, Matter and in philosophy as Spirit, Soul and Body, are also Father, Mother and Son. For everything that we are able to manifest in our existence it basically has to start in this way through these 3 pillars of creation. It starts with the word, music, then we give it clarity, show it, present it with the light. And finally we co-create it through giving it form. Sound can also be a metaphor for a dream, Light as the consciousness of the dream, and Form is the action to manifest the dream.

And what does all this mean? That all the dimensions are also inside our body. Once as divine Spirit in the 22nd dimension, we came into the dimensions of the heart chakra as souls.
But there is a better way to understand how we came up with 22 dimensions. First we have to understand what is the difference between the spirit and the soul:
Spirit is divine infinite consciousness, soul has a density which is the density of the energy of the universe, so it's not just pure light anymore like the spirit. The soul is the vehicle through which the spirit experiences itself, taking it as a garment to use in the various physical worlds. Spirit is not supposed to enter into a physical world as it is, only the soul because it is capable to vibrate at the same rate as matter. So the body is in turn the vehicle through which the soul experiences itself. Spirit > Soul > Body.
Spirit is absolute consciousness, which is not knowledge. Knowledge only belongs to the soul. Wisdom is what belongs to the Spirit since it doesn't have experience, only the soul has experience. So everything we are living now is an experience of the soul but from a spirit's purpose.
Since Spirit is absolute and divine consciousness if it was to be drawn on paper it would be a blank paper, since it has no form neither a pattern. It's like when we meditate and we just are. So absolute consciousness is not something that knows, it just is and stays like so in presence of itself. Likewise Spirit doesn't program anything, it just feels and what it feels is what it is. The only thing that it knows is that it is and the only thing it "needs" is to experience itself to get to know itself more and more. So in this search of knowing itself it decides to express itself by experiencing itself. How does it experience itself? With the first universal breath. Before this the universe didn't existed, it was just absolute and divine consciousness.
When the divine consciousness expresses itself is when all the subtle levels appear and these are what we call the first eleven dimensions. And then these eleven forms of expression generate a reflection through other eleven more dimensions which are composed of the experience. This is symbolized with the 11:11. So whenever we start seeing 11:11 everywhere it means that we are being called to return to the experience of the expression, which means it's because the Spirit is calling us to integration. This is how pure light is able to go into matter to evolve, through this path of integration of its purpose, with 11 subtle dimensions (high vibrations) and 11 dense dimensions (low vibrations). They are also light and darkness, or geometry and numbers.
11:11 = 2:2 = 4, which means it is when we vibrate in the 4th dimension that it allows us from the physical world to go back to totality. In reality we are in all dimensions and we are light and darkness at the same time, but we only perceive the third and vibrate in the fourth.
And what is the purpose of the Spirit? Since each of us have a spirit which in turn comes from the one divine Spirit, the purpose is through the experience of living what exists in the universe in all its aspects and in all the dimensions, to evolve and turn into a new Universe, a new divine Spirit like the one we all come from. So eventually, each one of us will become one pure Source, one divine Spirit, a divine Essence, and a whole Universe. This is the unlimited potential in each human being. Now think about that for a moment.
So to sum it up: our purpose is to Be, and to express what we are, and to experience what we are, to integrate what we are, and transcend what we are. When we transcend, we multiply ourselves in many more universes to generate even more experiences, all within a very strange integration that we usually call God, which actually it isn't...

Everything that we've created as spirits in the dimensions are ourselves being One, trying to understand ourselves through our own reflections. Therefore all that exists in this world and in the universe is ourselves. We already are a reflection of the universe inside, therefore we have the blueprint to eventually become one. For those who say they are tired of being in this world and they miss and want to go back to their home planets, stars or constellations, they are missing the point. When we see things separately from ourselves, we forget that everyone is made of the same Essence, where we were all in the same level of consciousness once upon a time. Once it was divided into everything that exists, Home is really all around us. And only in our minds we collectively adopted a different concept of home, and that we are meant to live inside a home, when Home is in reality everywhere and also inside us. Home is our own bodies from which consciousness emerges and serves to experience itself.
And then water is the great carrier of consciousness. How so? Because water doesn't exist only in this planet, it comes from all parts of the universe through meteorites that fell here over time. This is called panspermia.

What does this mean? It's one more reason that every single being who has water inside their bodies can be considered an extraterrestrial and a carrier of spiritual universal consciousness. Since our bodies are fractals of systems within systems, it is not by chance that we are 70% water in our bodies and also planet Earth is 70% water. So do extraterrestrials exist? Of course, we are one of them and we come from everywhere, not only as humans but also as certain insects, plants and other animals. Many of us don't realize it that when they observe the sky in search for extraterrestrials that they missed looking at themselves too. Furthermore we have in us the genetics of many different extraterrestrial races, but that's a topic for another chapter.
As mentioned before, the soul is the one who is capable to enter into a physical body. If a spirit was to enter directly into the physical world and here on Earth through a human being, it could happen two things. The first is that our heads would explode, or we would suffer a cerebral embolism, or something similar. It would simply be too much light for our neural system. This is why the spirit is always above our heads on the superior chakra, or in the Higher Self. The spirit can communicate with us but is not supposed to enter. And why would spirit enter our bodies and cause death? Because it would decide we already learned everything.
Another thing that can happen if the spirit actually enters our body is a great plenitude, which can also happen in a deep meditative state when we are able to withstand the charge while communicating with all the universal knowledge. This great plenitude usually manifests as a great flux of energy, which would be like gathering all the energy of the chakras and make them explode, putting our senses in a hyper-state. This is why many stories of saints, especially women who turned into saints, as generally the feminine is more prone to the spiritual than the masculine, are told that it happened suddenly with a great sensation in the body - basically an orgasm. This spiritual awakening is akin to a sexual awakening as both energies are intimately related and it occurs when our spiritual-energetic bodies connect into our physical bodies. Generally, the catalyst for spiritual Awakening is discovered through the process of progressive Kundalini activation that starts in the base of our spine and moves the intelligent energies up the spine and into the Crown. As a human being undergoes the Awakening process, which can progress gradually over many years, that person shifts into perceptions of higher consciousness, which can include increased awareness of energy in the environment, perceiving multidimensional realities, sensing extradimensional entities and feeling a direct communion with God and the interconnected energy that exists between all things.
Generally this is the Spirit who enters the body and deposits information. And why is it the soul that which can enter our bodies safely? Because it's the soul who gives life to our glands. For example the pineal gland is the intensification of the 3rd Eye. The pituitary gland, or hypophysis corresponds to the crown chakra, the thyroid gland corresponds to the throat chakra, the thymus gland is the heart chakra, pancreas is the solar plexus, the suprarenal glands are the sacral, and the ovaries and testicles are the root chakra. When the soul intensifies in the chakras it creates all these glands in our body.
Our bodies: The dense vehicle
Before designing the "lower" dimensions and start co-creating matter, divine Spirit created another kind of entities first. We here on Earth within our religious cultures started calling them Seraphs/plural: Seraphim, and Cherubs/Cherubim, of which Catholicism humanized them depicted as such:

These are to be regarded as symbolism. For in reality these entities are geometric figures that expand their light within a certain limit, and they are a lot more bigger than a baby with wings... They are more like a galactic cluster:

and a bit more realistically:
So a Seraph or a Cherub corresponds to beings of gigantic proportions. These entities start to divide more and more until eventually they form into planets:
These enormous entities are beings that already have all their chakras united before coming to matter, and when they eventually are formed into physical existence as planets, stars and suns, they can give birth to other beings that have in turn their chakras separated. And these other beings have the following physical form:

Here I'm just showing the relation of our form within the expansion of that particular merkaba geometry. And I'm not saying the form of our bodies belongs to us humans only, because our form is not limited only to the human race, it only means that it is the ideal form for maximum experimentation in the physical realm. When any being is reaching its maximum level of experimentation in this universe, it has to have that same form. In our solar system, as of now, we are just the latest beings that have done it. All of the other universal beings that existed before and also began to be conscious and going through the same process of division had the same form, we just "copied" them, this is, descended from them.
Now, let's go even deeper into this "humanoid" form inside the geometry of the merkaba.
Basically each of the chakras formed each part of the body: the head is generally round, why? Because the expansion of consciousness goes like a wave in all directions. When this wave intensifies it generates a sphere which is the head. The throat chakra is the voice, which connects the upper part with the lower and expands down, hence there is a neck. From the neck, consciousness goes down and reaches the heart. The heart spreads the energy to all sides too (just like with the Seraphs/Archangels and their wings), and by doing that it gains the function to balance all the energies in the universe through a special flux which is also known as To Give and To Receive. This flux generates in the left side irradiation that receives and in the right side irradiation that delivers, basically. This is the moment both the left and right arms appear and why they are mostly at the heart level, one hand giving and the other receiving. There are also other beings who "give" and "take" a lot more, and there are many metaphors in this, but this is essentially why some beings have more arms.

The consciousness of the irradiation to both left and right and the unity it creates is what makes for the expansion into the stomach area. The energy is aware of itself there and it creates the feminine and masculine duality, also represented by the infinite symbol. It is related to the ovaries, intestines, bladder, all the organs in that zone representing co-creation and willpower, the solar plexus and sacral chakra. And finally once the co-creation systems are formed there is a need to experience it, so the legs start to exist for us to walk on the planet, beginning from the root chakra down.
There is also a universal "hierarchy" of beings that are related with each universal chakra and this hierarchy is as follows:

Remember some of these beings are to be taken symbolically as constellations and other celestial bodies, as we are a hologram of the universe. Cherubs at the top, with their own baby heads represent the beginning of consciousness with the intent to descend into matter. Seraphs are next with more gaining in consciousness and belonging to the chest area, the universal heart chakra, depicted and humanized with their arms and wings open. Then the angels at the universal sacral chakra, depicted with their tunics and robes flying around, in which these vestments represent that they only have the upper chakras formed in themselves and not the lower chakras, hence still beings of light. Then it comes the beings at the galactic level and then the masters, each of these already coming from being humans and having experimented a lot in the physical realm and therefore with a firm grasp going up the ladder. And finally at the feet of the universe there's us humans, with all the upper and lower chakras in need of a lot of work, our job here on Earth is to unit them through the inner alchemy process explained in Pt.1 of this series. In Pt.3, I will expand a bit more on all of these beings, including our terrestrial ones such as animals and plants and also a bit more about the different dimensions.
So with this chapter we can understand a bit better and in a nutshell how a being like us humans evolved into our physical form from Spirit to matter.
Indeed, how precious it is to be alive, the most glorious gift there is! To treat our body gently, and be grateful for being alive enjoying this privilege is what we ought to do in order to evolve. Cherish and give more value to your life dear reader, for it is nothing short of an amazing miracle and an honor to be here on planet Earth.
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