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RE: Introducing Matt Belair: Why To Follow This King Of Quantum, Conscious, Next-Level Podcasting...

in #life7 years ago (edited)

just checked out one of his vids... First impression: nice to see someone pushing the boundaries of consciousness and sometimes weirdness while at the same time giving such a down to earth and loving vibe. Those two together are not taken for granted, and much needed at this time.


There is a great deal of info from some incredible people. What I recommend is to browse the titles and the episodes that will be of greatest benefit will jump at you :)

Thanks for the recommendation, I definitly will.

Just as a note, I think the most interesting things you have to offer, as far as Im concerned, are your personal life experience, including all the knowledge you pick up and how you integrate all that into your life. Thumbs up from me for more solo stuff :)

Hey, I really appreciate that. I've been meaning to do way more solo stuff for a long time and always seems to fail at it ahah. This is another confirmation and it's appreciated!