How to find your Purpose.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

How to find your purpose _ get a clear vision.pngHi guys, so this is, I think one of the biggest question people have.

What the heaven is my purpose and how the heaven am I going to find it? ( you see what I did there? Only positive vibes people.)

Well first, you won’t find your purpose. YOUR PURPOSE WILL FIND YOU. again.

You won’t find your purpose…. Your purpose WILL FIND YOU.

Of course, in a way YOU will find your purpose but in the end, you will only find it when your purpose shows its self, if that makes sense. You can’t force the timing.

Now instantly, let go of the need to find it and finding it now. It will find you at the right time. For a lot of people it been already there for a long time but they just didn’t realize. And with saying ” your purpose will find you” I mean keep exploring and soul-searching but don’t push it.

Your hobby and even your current job doesn’t have to be your purpose. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. If you love it and have a great time doing it, keep doing it. But your purpose will go way deeper than just a hobby or job.

Your purpose is something that is already inside of you. A part of you. Something that you will enjoy doing. Money won’t even come to your mind. Because you have so much passion for it.

You will find your purpose internally not externally. It will be something you love to do. Its knowing what you want to do. If it’s really your purpose, it will work out. Everything will go your way and work out. Nothing will stop you from doing it. The universe has your back and believe me you’ll know. ”God’s plan”. What ever it its, from motherhood to creating events for children with a handicap. From financial adviser to saving tree’s in the Amazone, if its mean to be it will be.

You guys loved my ‘’ How To Find Your Niche ‘’ blog post. In that post I told you to write down everything that come’s easily to you. Something that is natural for you. That could be something or an experience. This post will be a little similar.

Here is a little help upfront.

What you can do to come closer:

Get out of your comfort zone more often
Try new things
Keep soul searching
Keep Learning
I feel like I can ramble endlessly about this topic but let’s get straight to the point.

Now, I can’t really help you find your purpose or meaning in life but I can help you come a little bit closer to it and let you become aware of what you are doing in life right now, so you can start reinventing your life and start doing what you love.

what you will need:

a notebook or paper
a pen or pencil
a marker or highlighter
tea/coffee/something to drink

Now you are going to answer these questions and write it down on separate sides:

What do I love to do?
What comes easily to me? What is natural for me? Something that take’s no effort.
Where am I good at?
What do I spend my time doing?
Where lies most of my focus?

I want you to write down everything that comes to your mind. Even the ”little” or ”stupid” things.

Writing it down and putting it down on paper always helps us to see the hole picture and think clearly.

So now that you wrote all that down,

(Hi Drink something. Stay hydrated.)

Just start reading everything you just wrote down en let that sink in.

Now start marking or highlighting everything you would do as a job, KNOWING YOU ARE A BILLIONAIRE . ( you have all the money in the world but would still do it because you love it so much)
Now start crossing everything that you ”like” but don’t LOVE or wouldn’t do if money wasn’t involved.
Now cross everything you don’t want to spend time on anymore. ( and maybe want to replace with something you love or try something new)
Now cross everything that you don’t want to focus on anymore.

Now we are going to replace the negative with the positive.

You are going to write down everything you DO want to:

Spend time on
Focus on
Do more
Again, EVERYTHING, ALSO THAT SOMETHING YOU ” CANT” DO. because again. you can.

(Hi, don’t forget to take sip. I’m currently drinken matcha tea.)

Congrats,so know you should have a clear vision of what you are doing in life, want to erase in life and want more of in life. Maybe somewhere In those lists you find your purpose or meaning in life. Or you may not and still feel lost. But in the end, you know should have a clear vision of what you are currently doing and how to change it if you want to. Sending all the love. Rome wasn’t build in one day.

It’s a great way to have an overview of what you are actually doing and spending your time on. Once you become aware of what you are doing in life, you may find that your purpose was there all along. Something that you were doing for a long time or maybe something you just started doing or wanting. Sometimes we need an awakening to see things. Or maybe you have a dream that is your purpose but you are too afraid to pursue it. Maybe you didn’t find it yet. BECAUSE THAT’S TOTALLY OK. what I mean is that its closer than you think so don’t stress about it. LIVE. And you will find it and it will find you. Now start to reinvent your life. Remove everything that steals your peace of mind , plan and don’t set goals. DO IT, PLAN IT. Goals are nice but if you really want it, you will find a way to do it. It won’t be a goal anymore but A PLAN.

Once you find your purpose, you will find freedom.

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