Often times when we talk about a person having an enemy, we tend to look so far away and tag our fellow humans to be our enemies. And down here in Africa and Nigeria where religious activities tends to be so high, we easily believe that our enemies are people from our village who don't want us to go far in life but most times is not true.
The number one enemy we need to deal with is the enemy within us called you. Yes you are an enemy to yourself and until that enemy is dealt with, every other enemy will always succeed in dealing with such individual.
I know what might be running through your mind is How can one be an enemy to him or herself?. I will answer that question but examining a few situations.
A student who refuses to go for lectures but rather spends all the time watching movies and later on such student fails, who caused it?. I believe you know the answer. Also a situation where one uses his or her youthful age to waste it on irrelevant things and then at old age the person begins to suffer because the youthful age was not utilized. Such a person is an enemy to him or herself.
I can go on to cite other examples but the above two is enough for you to think of other examples.
Dear friends, before you conclude that people are fighting you and doing all that is within their power so that you will not progress in life, you must first evaluate critically that you are not an enemy to yourself. Be sure you are not responsible for all the troubles in your life and the set backs you have experienced over the period.
We mostly tend to have small packets of enjoyment and don't think for long run, which cause problems in our future life. One should priorities things for better result in life :)
Patience is a very big thing... We need to know that what ever time we invest in something, It should be worth it.
Thank you very much sir!