So glad to hear that you started life discovery at an early stage. And it's good you started early to discover how to be financially free and I guess that was possible with the opportunities around you and probably people around to support you financially.
I started seeking this same knowledge three years back when I was 22 but didn't get the needed finances as when i found bitcoin and it was barely 400 dollars. Not too late now that am 25, at least I can feed myself and still have some more to help others.
Actually I was in my early 40s when I came to this realization from listening to this song that I had settled into too small a life and that despite all I had accomplished previously, I simply wasn't living my potential at that time. I had no help from anyone but my own divine inner guidance, but that was all it took. 100% commitment to that, living in almost constant prayer, and being willing to do whatever I was told to do, even if my mind couldn't understand it. Just like my now moving to NM. People keep asking me why I moved here and I have to keep telling them that I don't know. I am simply spirit-led, and trust that the reason will reveal itself in due time. You are still quite young, and can experiment with different ways of approaching achievement in life with no children dependent on you yet!
Wow! Indeed am still young then to achieve things.