It's a simple problem, but bigger than you might realize...
Quite often in decentralized social media or cryptocurrency projects, I put my ideas and thoughts forward, with a lot of risk on how they may be interpreted. a group of people, you will find a lot of people have similar concerns, thoughts, and ideas, but very few are willing to risk the reprocussions of voicing them.
I am that risk taker. I'm not proud of that... but I do it, for the general good of those who won't.
If you take an assessment of any point in my history, there will people who will praise me for speaking up, or demonize me for doing the same thing.... That's simply difference of understanding why I do it, and their opinion.
What I have a problem with... is when someone asks on a conference call, "is there anything someone would like to say about this issue" -- and everyone falls silent for fear of risk taking being demonized for their opinion.
When I do come forward, quite often these 3 things happen:
I get praised by some, saying "glad someone asked that, or said that"
I spawn creative and constructive discussion about the current subject or topic
This becomes less about my opinions, and more about the community hashing out the topic on their own.
Sometimes when I ask a question, or table a subject for discussion that might be on people's minds... it helps. Someone has to venture into the unknown and say these things...
- ...because things left unsaid, are undealt with, and they just brew and snowball into larger issues later._
...that's why.
So I put myself forth, in the public eye... to stop that from happening, at the risk of how I am perceived by many.
Questions to intelliguy:
Do you think that helps or hurts your situation long term? (oh I believe it hurts me individually short-term, but I think it helps the community long term when I do that... and with hope, they'll learn to see it and understand it.)
Why do you do that then, if it isn't the best solution for self-gain?
(answer) That is easy, I am more about community longetivity than my own. It's a selfless act when I do it because no one else seems to want to self-sacrifice themselves during key pivotal moments.
To some, the next question might be:
- What are you talking about? Seems like your rambling on about something I don't fully understand.
Read through my blog. Look at the difficult topics, subjects, and discussions I've posted. For instance, in my last post, I talked about Africans, Indians and Nigerians.
Rule of thumb to stay "safe" in the public eye -- don't stereotype people. Don't judge an entire country or culture by the way the public may perceive or classify them.
- Countries and cultures are summed up by individual people. You can't paint everyone with the same brush. -- I fully agree!
....I know these things....
Why do you do it then?
...because some people "do" stereotype. Some people "do" think these things... and some people, even if you are Indian, African, or Nigerian, might think similar things about their own country or society too.
So I put these "never talk about" subjects out there... so they can be talked about.
So that's what I found to be my niche with my blog, what I talk about voice, or write in text.
..I talk about uncomfortable issues to get to the root of those issues... so they can be identified, discussed, and put to rest, once and for all.
Some of you might be keyboard warriors ready to dissect certain words, phrases, or points of mine. Before you do... look at my previous posts, read them in full... right down to the bottom. For instance, my last post, I actually gave $20 USD to someone who was trying to scam the system from India. Instead, I helped to mentor him, donated to him, and assist him in approving his behavior to the benefit of not only the community, but himself too.
That's what I do... I use my abilities and audience to assist and help people when I can.
...and if you want to demonize or hate me for that... well... until there is a better solution, that is what I will continue to do.
For those of you who took the time to read this post... thank you. :)
Well, sometimes it just takes guts to talk about certain things. However, what I fear most about opinionated people like myself is that we fall into the believe that our opinions are right and not just our own perspective about an issue which might not be holistic in terms of weighing all the aspect to a conversation. I don't like to be that guy but sometimes you just have to be that guy.
Will check out some of your post to see how I can contilribute to the conversation
That is what defines you as Mister Intelliguy I find. It is your quality to bring some controversy in while quite well and eloquently explained without offending anybody, you tend to make people think just a step further.
And THAT is exactly what I like about reading your posts. Criticism, not running on the general opinion.. Never stop doing this amigo!
Yes, you have many times brought up difficult subjects. and that is appreciated.
But at times you are just as vulnerable to political correctness as the rest of us. I was taken aback by the shallowness of your interpretation of the man's thinking and motivations in this post of yours: