Trust Destroy
Today I will tell you something that shocked me from which I didn't learn in my 21 years of life. Two months ago I bought a phone ,an iPhone 8 plus for which I worked sometime because in that period I wasn't in my best state, financially speaking. Because of the Bitcoin deep my money had to suffer and I didn't even have time to enjoy my new purchase so I decided to sell it and buy Bitcoin of course, because after that I will take my phone back and continue my work, but in addition with some more money. In my country, like everywhere else, there where sites like E-bay, Craig's Lists,etc. and I decided to put it there so I could sell it faster, because Bitcoin price was already 7500$. I need to do something. I don't know if you read my last post about "Bitcoin destroyed my life" , there I sad about people who sell stuff to buy Bitcoin, well I'm one of them. The situation where I was it asked me to do so.
I put my phone to sell hoping that I will give it with 950$. After a few days, someone calls me and it says to me that he wants to see it, after days and tens of stupid offers like "I will give you a watch" or "I will give you a "Renault Clio ",I was a little bit desperate so I went to see what was the situation. I packed all really fast and went to see that "sir" . When I arrived he was waiting me in front of a casino, my first impression was not a good one, I wasn't very delighted, but I decided not to judge a book by it's cover. He was a little man, pretty fat, dressed like a man in his 50, but I didn't give it more than 40; he had a round face, look that I could tell he wasn't stupid at all and when he smiled his gold tooth blind me, not suspicious at all.
I put a little smile on my face for encouragement and I walked at him. First thing he said was "Hi, you have all? , come on I'm in a hurry because I'm late to work"; It was 2 pm but he seemed that he was out from that casino and probably won some money and wanted to buy something fast. I give him the box with the phone in it and after watching for two minutes or even less he turned off the phone and put it back in the box. My first thought was why he didn't even verified that it worked, like every people in this country who puts 100 questions and bargain at every little thing. After that he gives my phone back, he takes out the money to pay and go home, or work, or whatever. He takes out a stack of money and he gave's it to me to count them, I did that and it was missing a 200 RON bill ( equivalent of almost 50 $). Meanwhile my boyfriend counts the money more than a few times and after a few seconds the man takes out another bill of 200 RON and put it in that stack of money, all good and nice, we wanted to say goodbye but we were approached by two aggressive people, one of them where tall and skinny, and the other one was tiny and chubby, he was excessive asking us if we "sell something" , but my boyfriend told them to leave us alone, but they wouldn't quit. Meanwhile that man with the phone told us to put the money in the pocket quick , so we wouldn't be stolen by that 2 dubious people. Told and done, we took the money, sad goodbye and we left. We didn't even make two steps but that people kept following us, always asking if we don't sell drugs, cigarettes or God knows what. After 10 meters they quit and left. In that second I though about what was happening, something I didn't want to be true so I told my boyfriend to give me the money. He takes it out of the wallet and open the money nicely arranged and I didn't believed my eyes. Besides the 200 RON bill we had a lot of Russian bills or God knows what bills which didn't even all valued more then 2$ ,in the next second my first thought was to run after the man, but he disappeared, he was long gone, and after all the story not for nothing that people war distracting us in an constantly and obsessive way.
This was Bum-Bum, it was a good phone, and it answered by name of Siri.
terrible.... don't worry and "just hodl"
Thanks a lot ^_^
First off, sorry for your loss. Second off, why would you show a picture of what looks like American police? I would say that even in America they will take a police report down and you can find an attorney to get your money back. Especially if you know who the person is who took your money. I'm not saying American police are the best in the world, but they have procedures where they have to act, and don't need a bribe to do their job. If they don't do their job, you can go higher up on the "food chain" and get them to notice, even for a theft of a phone.
In Romania all you said does not exist, only in theory . If you are not the prime minister son, if your father is not police serif and you are a simple citizen you don't have any chance to recover your money. You can go to the police, write a declaration and it's gonna sit there for more than three months and after three months they call you to ask if you give up or you will continue the case which will take another three months and so on, it's like a loop. Nobody is moving a finger and the police will do their job only the thief comes in the police station with my phone and tell the police men that he stole my phone. Otherwise no :(
I understand what you are saying. I was only asking why you would put a picture of American(or Western for that matter) police. Why wouldn't you put pictures of Romanian police?
Was the first picture I found :)