I assume I am not the first one to see things like this. And probably not the last .How do I see it, no one really asked? I’ll tell you.

Like in the case of concerts there are many types of people involved and the experience varies. Some concerts are better, some or worse. Sometimes you live in a place with good venues, sometimes you don’t. Sometimes, at a concert, you have decent food, water, a toilet you can use, other times not so much... Once things get started, each finds a place, more or less, depending on the breaks.
There are the rock stars, charismatic or naturally talented people, who are put in front of the audience to dazzle them, keep them entertained.
There are the managers and corporate interests who work behind the scenes and often are the real ones in control.
There is the crew and the security personal, who work for the band and/or managers to keep things going smoothly. The show must go one, after all.

The groupies are the ones totally enthralled by the stars and are often screwed behind the scene, but, if they are lucky, by someone who does not have too many venereal diseases. There are also the people who are high and go through it like a blur.
There are people who elbow their way trying desperately to get in front, not caring about who they trample on the way, some of them make it, and some do not. There are others who are permanently stuck in the back, behind some tall guy, and they realise something is going on but are not sure what. But sometimes someone might lift you on their shoulders (mostly women and children though).
And there are people simply watching, having a brew, realizing it’s a show and trying to get by without too much hassle or discomfort. You just have to find your spot, maybe enjoy the show a little without being stuck in the crappy seats. Maybe have a brew or two. And make an occasional point about how things are.
There are people who say it's all bullshit, but no one pays any attention to them. I mean, they're weird and you don't want to be weird by association, do you?
Reader: OK, has this little anecdote of yours have anything resembling a point?
Me: Why yes, yes it does. The point is I don’t really like concerts. Sure they can be fun sometimes, but they are crowded and full of assholes. The view isn’t great, the acoustics are rarely good. The lines to the toilets are long; the beer is expensive and shitty. Oh and they are over way to soon (h/t Woody.)
Reader: Hold it! Now wait one goddamn minute. That’s it? Are you telling me the point is one bad joke? Oh for fuck sake. Boo this man! BOO!

So here you have it, dear reader. Also, Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life
Always look on the bright side of life
For life is quite absurd,
And death's the final word.
You must always face the curtain with a bow!
Forget about your sin -- give the audience a grin,
Enjoy it, it's the last chance anyhow!
So always look on the bright side of death!
Just before you draw your terminal breath.
Life's a piece of shit,
When you look at it.
Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true,
You'll see it's all a show,
Keep 'em laughing as you go.
Just remember that the last laugh is on you!
And always look on the bright side of life - Monty Python
I really enjoyed your analogy, and I don't think it ain't deep! Most people would not think twice about a concert, it's just a concert! But you got all philosophical about it... we've got a thinker here! And just like concerts, society has many little games it plays without knowing that are a postcard of the big picture. The question is, what side of the stage you wanna be on?
well I ain't no rock star I'll tell you that.
behind the stage, no fame, just the goodies [ a few groupies won't hurt].