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RE: Anthony Bourdain, Dead At 61: "Commited" Suicide or "Death By" Suicide?

in #life7 years ago

Using soft language does not change the hardness of reality. It takes a lot of commitment to kill one's self. If he accidentally died by his own cause, it would no longer be suicide. He purposely committed the act of killing himself. That is the very definition of suicide.

v. Simple past tense and past participle of commit.
adj. Obligated by a pledge to some course of action.
adj. showing commitment.

suicide (so͞oˈĭ-sīdˌ)
n. The act or an instance of intentionally killing oneself.
n. The destruction or ruin of one's own interests: It is professional suicide to involve oneself in illegal practices.
n. One who commits suicide.



In the circles of primitivism, what you're describing is known as reification, which is the fallacy of taking a representation of reality as reality itself. Similar to taking the finger which points to the moon as the moon itself.

People think they can change the words used to describe a terrible event and that will somehow make the event itself less terrible.

It's a massive mistake that creates a metaphysical debt that will be paid back by karma.