That's good. I have a social media that's my main platform. Are you on #Minds too @glennamayjumaoas?
Are you familiar with #NLP at all?
I use NLP to bring people onto #Steemit.
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That's good. I have a social media that's my main platform. Are you on #Minds too @glennamayjumaoas?
Are you familiar with #NLP at all?
I use NLP to bring people onto #Steemit.
My apologies but I'm not familiar with those two. Reaserching now😂
I'll send you my invite link for #Minds @glennamayjumaoas!;referrer=TheOfficialAndrew
Don't use #Google as your search engine @glennamayjumaoas!. Use #DuckDuckGo. They give us privacy and they don't collect data and sell our information to make money off of us.