Eggplant fruit is often used as a fruit ingredient for cooking. This fruit kayak will benefit and efficacy for the health of the body. Eggplant is often referred to as vegetables because many processed to make a side dish with other vegetables. The shape of this fruit is long with two kinds of colors, namely purple and also green eggplant fruit it contains many good nutrition for the body. Among them are niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, folate, vitamin E, vitam K, and nasunin. The content of this fruit is able to meet your nutritional needs, the benefits of this eggplant is also very important for your organs, which helps improve brain performance. Your brain will respond more quickly in thinking if you are diligent to consume this fruit with a routine.
photo taken by @isu717 with samsung galaxy smartphone S7
photo taken by @isu717 with samsung galaxy smartphone S7
photo taken by @isu717 with samsung galaxy smartphone S7