There is nothing that any person tells you that has the weight or force enough to make you let go of what worries you and makes you return again to take conscious possession of your reality. The more you insist that you let go, stop thinking about it or that everything is fine and that at any moment it will manifest ... the more you insist on denying it and on remaining attentive to what will happen, suffering the negative, physical effects, emotional and mental that causes you the restlessness of waiting.
But if you have been told so many times that you should put all your attention and effort into what you want to achieve how to release it ... because once you have done everything you could do to achieve it and one more effort than you should, the following It is letting go and trusting, letting life or the other people involved do their job so that the best happens. That is, concentrate your attention on each thing you do in your daily life and from time to time, raise your eyes to follow the process without being stuck in the fact of calculating the time that has elapsed without you getting any results.

The more attentive and desperate you are, the slower the process will seem to you and therefore, the more quickly you will find yourself thinking that it will not happen, and as soon as a person talks about a negative experience or an unexpected obstacle appears ... you will abandon your dream , your purpose or your goal saying that it was not for you, that you have bad luck and you will retire without really knowing what could happen.
Whatever situation you are stuck in right now waiting for a good result, focus your attention on doing whatever is necessary to achieve it, with confidence, courage, optimism and determination. Believe, that having done your best and overcoming your doubts, fears and weaknesses, the best will happen even if this means that exactly what you expect does not happen.
Life is the path we travel between one stage and another, between a dream achieved and another to achieve, between the moment we decide to make a personal change or transform our lifestyle and the moment we take concrete steps to achieve it
Stop suffering life, accept the processes and travel the path that leads us to achieve them with joy, confidence and optimism.
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