2 years ago I was in the worst shape I was all my life. I never was in great shape ever in my life to begin with... so I decided it was time to start eating healthy and exercising. But where to start? What should I actually be doing?
I started to investigate online and talking to freinds at that went to the gym and I discouvered that... theres alot ALOT of bullshit when it comes to loosing weight.
Soo here it is, the top 3 myths about loosing weight.
1- Green Tea is the Best!
Don´t get me wrong, Green Tea is (next to water) the best thing you can consume! It is good for your skin, your intestines, your blood pressure, etc. But green tea ins´t a magical pill to loose weight, sorry. Tea might make you go to the bathroom more often, but the fat you want to get rid off doens´t just go down the toilet. Green Tea does however, increase your metabiolism... if you drink alot of it... daily... for 2 years!
2 - Lemon/Vineger burns Fat
I think the reason people believe this is because acids are proven to burn things... but again, sorry, thats not how your body works and it also ins´t how acids work. In order for Lemon Juice or Vineger to burn fat on your body you would have to drink it at extreem tempertures... ... ... so, if you aren´t dead from drinking your acid juice your not doing it right and its not doing anything.
3 - Don´t eat FATS!

This is a more complicated theme, but i decided to put it on the list because soo many people that want to loose weight are afraid of FATS. Now, Im not going to tell you to go to old Mcdonalds everyday and you will still loose weight, but dont stress about it... fats aren´t the enemy... the enemy is you, your fat because you eat too mutch (lol). If you have an healthy lifestyle eating a burguer or two every month wont change or ruin your goal...