Its amazing. Almost like a magician doing an incredible illusion where all the guests in the audience disappear.. except you. left there... by yourself... Wondering How did that happen?
Grade School
Think back to grade school. Remember The group of friends that surrounded you between classes? The secret notes you passed hoping the teacher wouldn't catch you or that embarrassing note would be read to the whole class. Remember the hugs and the Best Friends Forever that was an endearing term but used way to much? oh the good old days when you knew these friendships would last forever...
Fast forward to your graduation. One of the happiest days of your life because your finally done with the teachers and the place that has taken 13 years of your childhood. You go to the graduation parties maybe even spend the summer together, but without notice some friends drop off the radar one by one..
You get married and the group of friends that are still around are a part of your big day and your happy they are there. The pregnancy test reads positive and they clap and they are excited but they feel you are not much fun anymore.. so a few more drift away.. The baby comes and your a parent. you cant always get a babysitter. Your Priorities change and by this time the disappearing act is finished. I mean when is a Mom fun right?? Wrong. I'm still the same crazy person who loves to do spontaneous things however, I feel i am much more fun when we get together. This is because I'v come to appreciate the adult interaction, and not having to wipe a butt during or after a nice dinner. I cherish the conversation because at home most of the time its like playing a game of mad gab. I may not be the clingy "best friend" but you are constantly in my thoughts. If six months go by you ask me out to dinner it's like we were never separated.

Love this! Maintaining friendships is difficult, but oh so worth it!
Great job, luckly I've kept hold of a few good friends but can't hold on to them all.