
Interesting lesson! Guess it all depends on how we see things.

As usual.
In the western Culture we are used to think in extremes and opposites, so good and evil may not be present at the same time.
Our children learn from this point of view.
It’s up to us adults to help them to transit to a more complex vision of the World.

Wonderful words of wisdom my friend! Yeah it only takes a different point of view to turn a bad experience into a positive one. A lot of times those 'bad' experiences are there to either teach us an important lesson or to make us grow into a better person. Thanks for sharing buddy! 😀

Thank you for the feedback buddy. Much appreciated!
I agree.
My Culture, the western one, had been tailored around the dichotomy of yes-no, good-evil, etc.
While this led us to important discoveries about our Universe, on the other hand it limits us in understanding Life as spiritual and meaning, where things are blurred.
An old professor at the University used to say Western Culture is founded on the “aut-aut” paradigm, while Oriental Culture is founded on the “et-et” paradigm.
In ancient Latin et = and , aut = or.
In the aut-aut paradigm things can’t overlay each other, in the et-et paradigm opposites may be present at the same time.

wow i never knew those things! thanks for sharing the knowledge bro! see you around buddy! :)