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RE: Why is Money Green? Occulted Psychology of Colors May Hold Clues

in #life7 years ago

We most definitely have a special connection with the color of and the substance Gold. The Ark of the Covenant is an interesting example of how powerful gold can be, when university researchers attempted to build it according to the bibles specifications they had to destroy it because of its excessive conductivity -- note: this is not backed by a specific source i just remember this being mentioned in a couple of documentaries i have watched


They might have been nearly blinded by the 'arc' that they thought they'd tinker with. There are indeed lots of references to electricity in much of the alternative studies I've seen on it over the years. Nassim Haramein has speculated that the Arc as a device similar to our own hearts, or even a sun, and possibly even working as a conduit for pure consciousness in it's mechanics.
We do seem to be somehow programmed to like gold, like maybe a collective memory of some forgotten or occulted quality of gold. I don't know if we really were engineered to be miners here on this planet as is often suggested, or if we like gold for some more important reason that is still hidden, but it is a strong part of our program for some reason.