Placebo - Running Up That Hill
I have normally over 200 tabs, currently 157 on one browser, the other one crashed a few days ago :D talking abut overstimulation, I've said numerous time I live off the internet, like I eat information and that keeps me going, music, people, text, games, it's quite sad really :) I've mostly scrapped big social media, I've never liked it, I like learning, I like exploring, I'd like to do more of that, so in a sense I do envy you, you are beautiful, you have lots going for you, not only that but you are honest, concerning your flaws, your humanity, so forth, that is rare in this time I admire your courage.
How I deal with it all, well I like what I do, I don't do what I don't like, I choose what I want and I let go off what is outside my reach, normally stepping back and taking a breath of fresh air does the job, but having half of my time free or even more around 80% of it to do what I like and be where I can, is how I can then go back to wondering what I'm doing with my life and how to improve :D it's the usual, mindset, some modesty, taking care of the house and the physical aspect, eating good food rater than more of it, then basically going around bumping around people at least a few days a week. It's nice to have one or two days in nature, I tend to try to be out at least half of the day as I've said, sometimes I end up all day in front of the screen, mostly around the winters :D anyways I've already learned from my mistakes of spending years sitting and whacking on a keyboard.
It's a weird balance you have to strike between, you, others and things.
I can't say I'm a great example :) once I had a thought that out of everyone I knew I had the most time, but I wasn't spending it wisely, the internet kind of got the better of me and I was neglecting myself out of basically, never you mind, the usual, hate and lack of bare necessities, like love, reason of living and such other corny topics :D
I'm out thanks for reminding me of my teenage years :D I haven't listened to placebo for a while.
I was going to ask you, but I would guess you traded off your privacy here for some honesty. Just a guess.
damn me, damn you too :D that's a topic for another time, and I'd like to talk steemit interface too. some other time thanks for sharing so much of yourself :)