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RE: Rollin' smoke and getting 'lit'

in #life6 years ago

Yes me to haha. I have had people I work with ask how I can afford to do certain things being on the same wage as them. I say I don't smoke and hardly ever drink. Then ask them how much they spend a week on alcohol and smokes and go there's your answer then😂

Posted using Partiko Android


Seems so logical right? I've had the same sort of conversations. People whining about me going to Europe again or buying another car or just doing interesting stuff the weekend and whining that they can't afford to do so themselves. The solution seems so simple...Don't spend $10,000 a year on cigarettes and $5,000 on plonk...Or do so and shut the hell up about not being able to do anything else through lack of funds.

Yes it is very logical for us anyway lol.

Posted using Partiko Android