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RE: Nothing Matters

in #life8 months ago (edited)

I remember about the first time, as an adult even, hearing some rap blaring from a car next to me while stopped at a stop light and OMGoodness, Swear City ! I couldn't even believe it myself at the time, but then, there it was, ALL over the place.

I have antenna tv that I don't watch a lot, but I'm always surprised about what is on some of the shows AND commercials in prime time and remember back when so much wasn't allowed during those times because "the children" might be watching ! Not anymore, let them watch at your own risk.

I've been exposed so much I go right over it mostly, but if I had children around, good lawd!! That thing would have to stay off ! It's not that they one day won't know about all those things, but honestly, there is such thing as being exposed too young.

She wasn't letting you off the hook too easy it seems, from how you told it. ha


I had to remove all my gangsta rap CDs from the car, grrr. That might have horrified the missus!

It's everywhere right enough though. Especially in older movies. We watched gremlins 2 the other day and there is a bit where the dudes lady boss sticks her for in his crouch when on a dinner date and I'm like, oh lawks!! 🤣🤣

Explain THAT !! Right ?

Nothing is safe anymore. LOL

I know, I was like, how the fuck to explain that! It the ghost giving Dan Ackroyd a BJ in Ghostbusters 1, smdh!

That made me laugh !

Now everybody wants a ghost in their house.

Like a night light you just switch on :OD