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RE: Not Saturday Beer

in #life7 months ago

Your beer looks pretty in the glass.

That lemoniess afterglow sounds nice too.

I like your chiminea shaped fire pit. The days here are up in the 90s right now, so being by a fire isn't the great thought, but I do so love a fire when it's cooler.


It's was a fine refreshing thing. Possibly too refreshing as it was 5% odd and easy to drink!

I love my fire, a bit of a necessity even in summer here at night. Blummin 90 degrees, I am jealous! 😀🤣

90something is fine, if you are indoors with the air conditioner going. LOL !

You should send that first photo to the beer company to put in their ads. It's a great photo, even with the laundry hanging in the background. It makes it REAL.

Hehe, I was all chuffed when we got a dryer for clothes and at the first hint of sun the good lady still insists on us flinging the clothes in the garden! 😀

Outside doesn't leave jeans and towels as soft, but for sheets, it makes them smell so wonderful to dry in the breeze.

"Flinging your clothes in the garden" sounds like something going on more fun than laundry. LOL !

Hehe, I like dryer soft and it's so warm when it comes out!!