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RE: The Hanish

in #life2 months ago (edited)

Yeah.... I am looking at one right now between your last post and where I am typing now. I don't know why Hive had to crappy themselves up with the mess. Just now again, the ad on the right side made the page jump while I am typing.

Not your fault..... but I'm seeing two on my screen as I finish this.


When I was seeing them they blocked me from hitting reply and something else that was annoying. Made scrolling really hard and slow

I mentioned in their post that it was kak. I don't think they would earn enough from it for it to be useful. They should stick to getting money from the DHF!

Just logged off work and came back to find that indeed, the switch was back ON.

Heffers ! hee hee

The mother-heffers!!!

Get that switch off and get back to enjoying ad-free hiving 😃😃😃