Co-founder of Oculus VR (owned by Facebook) Palmer Lucky and the Oculus Rift eyewear maker Palmer Lucky is working on the creation of tracking technology that can be used at borders and military bases
Startup Palmer Lucky will use lidars, which are installed in unmanned vehicles. Together with infrared sensors and cameras, these sensors will allow to track illegal border crossings, the interlocutors of the newspaper reported. Palmer Lucky has already discussed the use of such a system on the Mexican border with Donald Trump's adviser Stephen Bannon, one source told the publication. The White House did not comment on this information.
According to sources of the publication, Palmer Lucky wants to use technology to protect military bases, as well as to monitor events at the stadiums. The system of sensors will detect unmanned aerial vehicles. At the same time, its cost will be much lower than the wall price proposed by the US President at the border with Mexico. In addition, such a project will encounter fewer obstacles on the part of landowners.
Lucky confirmed to NYT that he was working on a defense project. "We are investing in defense technologies more than ever. However, the pace of innovation has been slowing down for several decades. We need a new defense company that will save taxpayers' money and create a technology that will keep the citizens and the military safe, "Palmer Lucky told the newspaper.
Now Palmer Lucky finances the project himself. He has already hired several people, including Christopher Dikus, the first employee of Oculus VR, who also recently left the company. The project to create the system will support the foundation of Peter Till, co-founder of PayPal and adviser Donald Trump on technology, continues the publication.
In 2016, Palmer Lucky was in the middle of the scandal. It was found that he financed a group of Internet trolls, which in the presidential elections in the US supported the candidate from the Republican Party Donald Trump. The publication notes that Lucky sent $ 100,000 to the inauguration of Donald Trump.
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