He once taught me a happy mantra, "What
as it happens, I'm happier. "He did not find the spell
made me dead and silent. I rebelled, as always.
How can I be happy if great sorrow occurs, if failure
streaks remain, and if my dreams are completely destroyed?
It's impossible. But, Allah Ta'ala is very good because
I am destined to meet with him who is patient and wise.
After learning and being taught, I slowly understand, and ... spell
happily it begins to manifest. I continue to feel happy, despite the rain,
heat and turmoil struck. My body stands still, can not
blown by the wind, wet with rain, heat and storm
turmoil. I'm really happy, not pretending to be happy.
Happiness becomes an interesting magnet
happy-happy others to come, approach and
happy. Those experiences, finally made me
found a happy mantra, "Getting happier everytime
time. "And it turns out, the spell is contagious to the one who reads it.
When I make a status about happy, my friends are
commented also feel happy. The happiness that I am
feel increasing and abundant.
After that, I was happy to write a mantra. When it should be
edit, I write an easy spell, "Writing is easy, words
coming in, and fingers dancing smoothly on the keyboard. "The spell anyway
manifest and I no longer feel the difficulty while editing.
A few weeks ago, a new mantra was found, "There are only two things
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