I believed if you have lived a good life with no regrets and with a clear conscience, then you should look forward to going back to God, our maker. Learning how to age gracefully is something that most cannot do. We have to accept the fact that dying is part of life and well prepare in advance will leave behind precious and good memories. If one can afford a legacy then it is ideal, if not at least leave behind good memories to the next generations after you are gone.
Therefore be happy and be contented and be thankful that we are better than some and not compare to those that have more than you do. Say a prayer each morning when you wake up and be thankful.
Thanks for sharing. God Bless
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Much wisdom and truth in your words and they lifted me to know that there are those out there who understand my meaning. Interesting that you mention living life with a good conscience - I once had a friend who was a priest ( he has long since past away) anyway he told me something that I have never forgotten. He said that he had visited more than 2 thousand people on their death bed to help them face their end. Over the years he began to see a pattern. Those whom had tried to live an honest life - not hurt people deliberately or swindle anyone etc - tended to die peacefully and without fear. Those who had done the opposite - hurt people, bullied people or stolen from people - tended to die in severe fear. Even those who were apparently atheists. When I heard that, I decided right there and then to try and live a life without hurting anyone and trying to be honest and help others when I can. I do not know if there is a God or not, but I want to face death peacefully and without fear.
Thanks for the wonderful comment @jackpot
Your Priest friend is right in sharing with you about people dying in Peace. If you have live your life right and not harm anyone, you will have no fear of anything bad coming back to haunt you at your death bed or to your family members or love ones. God Bless all.